Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes the day after the shut down and saw the man that I love and the father of our child still deep in sleep. I laid there for a moment just admiring his face, I can't believe how far I've come in the last 7 months and it's even crazier that we've only been together for 5 months and we're having a child together. Oh my God, we have to tell our families and other friends. The feeling of fear set in all at once, what of my parents get mad that I'm having a child out of wedlock? What if they don't want to see me or this baby? I lifted my head slightly to peak over Damiens shoulder at the clock and noticed that it was already 9 so I decided to get up and start my day. I got out of bed as quietly as I could and made my way to the bathroom across the hall to shower when I bumped into Shayne who was just walking out of it. "hey, what are you doing up already?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe.

"oh I've been up since 6, I didn't sleep very well last night so I decided to get all of my emotion out at the gym. I just finished showering so it's all yours." he said, holding up the damp towel in his hand that he'd been using to dry his hair. "thanks and when I get out I'm gonna make some breakfast so don't eat anything." I said, pushing off the wall with my shoulder and turning to walk into the washroom. "don't put yourself out, I don't want to put any more stress on my future Godchild." he said, pointing to my barely bloated stomach. "and what makes you so certain that you're going to be the godfather? I could pick Ian or Clarke or-" he cut me off with a chuckle, placing his hands on my shoulders. "because Courtney's gonna be the godmother and who else would be a better fit than me? I'm gonna be like the best uncle." I rolled my eyes and shrugged his hands off my shoulders before walking into the washroom, "you're such a nerd!"

"Damien, time to wake up." I said, shaking him lightly. After I showered, I got dressed and made breakfast before coming to wake him up. It's already after 10 and we have a lot to do today. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me before turning his head to see the clock and jumping out of bed. "were late for work-!" he said, pushing the covers off and standing before a look of disappointment washed over his face. "oh yeah." he mumbled, sitting back down on the bed. I took a seat beside him and wrapped my arm around his back then rested my head on his shoulder. "I know." I said, rubbing his back. "well Atleast one good thing came out of yesterday." he turned his head and smiled down at me as I looked back at him in confusion. "I'm gonna be a father." he said, reaching over and pulling me into his lap. "enjoy this because soon I'm gonna be to heavy to sit here." I laughed, wrapping both my arms around his neck. "never." he smiled, shaking his head before leaning in and connecting our lips.

"come on, breakfast is getting cold." I said, pulling away and jumping off his lap, taking both his hands in mine and pulling him up. "I'm way too heavy for you to be pulling me up, you're gonna hurt her." he said, pulling pajama pants on. "why does everyone keep saying that, he's the size of an almond, he can't feel anything." I laughed, taking his hand in mine and walking downstairs. "you think it's gonna be a boy, I think it's a girl." damien said, as we walked into the kitchen. "I think it's a girl too." Shayne said, looking up from his plate. We must've taken too long upstairs because he's almost done his food. "we'll see when they come out, we only have to wait like 8 more months." I laughed, taking a plate for myself, it was a simple eggs and toast day today but I'm so hungry so I'd eat anything right now.

"we've gotta tell our parents today Dames." I said, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. "well my moms away on vacation right now with her boyfriend so we can skype them. Do you wanna call  your mom and see if we can go over later?" he said, I nodded in agreement and he texted his mom while I called mine. "hey mom, is it ok if damien and I come over for coffee tonight?" I asked, twisting my hair around my fingers. "sure honey, uncle Ken and the kids were already coming over for dinner so just come at 6 and I'll set up some extra plates." she said, sounding very excited. "oh that's perfect, I'll bring Courtney and Shayne then." I said, smiling over and Shayne who tuned in at the sound of his name. "ok honey, I'll see you all later." she said and I said a quick bye before dropping my phone in the table and leaning back in my chair.

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