Chapter 23

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Today is October 29th aka the best day of the year because its my birthday! I have so many plans for today because I love for my birthday to be busy. You can't sit at home on your birthday! Anyways, today is a short day at work meaning we got to slip in till 9; wow, what a treat. When work is done at 2, I'm going to lunch with the entire smosh fam then the girls and I are going to get our nails done then at 6 I'm going back home with Courtney, Shayne and Damien to have dinner at cake at my house. Then I think were gonna go to bar for some drinks later. I was woken up to Damien stumbling into my room where we'd slept last night, figured we'd change it up since we're always sleeping in his room. I woke with a start and looked at the clock, realizing that it was only 8:35.

"hey, I know we were supposed to sleep in but I have a surprise for you." he smiled widely, grabbing both my hands and pulling me up from the bed. "ok, I'm gonna need you to keep your eyes closed." he said, still holding both of my hands and walking me out of the room and down the stairs. It was hard to keep my eyes closed while walking down the stairs because I felt like I was gonna fall the entire time but I didn't and I'm glad I didn't too. "ok and.... Open." damien said. My eyes shot open and I gasped quietly, seeing what was before me. He'd set up the kitchen table beautifully with a table cloth and there was a big bouquet multi-coloured roses in the middle. For breakfast he made chocolate chip pancakes, breakfast potatoes and fruit salad.

On one of the plates was a small bag with some tissue paper sticking out. "thank you so much babe you really didnt have to do all of this." I said, turning to him and giving him a big kiss. He pulled my seat out for me to sit down and took his seat across from me. "do you want me to open it now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "yeah, I wanted my gift to be a little more private. I nodded and moved the tissue paper aside, putting my hand in and pulling out a ring box. "Damien..." I said, eyes wide as I looked up at him. "no it's not what you think it is." he chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. I opened the box and inside was a silver ring, one of the bands was normal and the other that crossed over it had a bunch of small jewels on it.

I gasped and looked up at him, then back at the ring and back to him again. "this is too much Damien I can't accept this." I said closing the box. "it's a promise ring because I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you." he said standing up and walking towards me. He got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of the box. "Sydney Jane Miller, will you marry me... Eventually?" he asked, all I could do was nod my head as he slipped the beautiful ring onto my finger. I put both my hands on either side of his face and pulled him in for a kiss before hugging him closely and burying my face in his neck. "I love you." I said which was muffled by his shirt. He said it back as Shayne appeared in the doorway, "hey, what did I miss?" Shayne asked with a confused look on his face. "were getting married" Damien started "eventually!" I added, causing them both to laugh. "well congratulation-eventually. Now eat, we have to be at work in an hour."

"I'll see you guys on Halloween!" I said, hugging the last person who happened to be Ian. We just finished lunch now we're going to get our nails done. Boze hasn't been at work all week, we think she's decided to leave early but Ian won't tell us anything. We walked to Olivia's car and I got in the back seat with Courtney as we set off towards the nail place. I haven't told anyone at work yet about the promise ring but I have an idea on how I'm gonna do it. "what colour are you getting Syd?" olivia asked, looking at me in the rear view mirror of her car. "I'm thinking a dark red or purple." I said, reaching into my purse to grab my chapstick and feeling the ring box. It made my heart jump with excitement.

"after this I definitely want Starbucks." Mari said as the woman painted her nails. We were all sitting in a row in the quiet nail shop. It was nice, just being with them. I'm love the boys but girl time is girl time, nothing will ever beat it. "and you're done." the lady doing my nails said as she turned off the dryer. I stood up to pay and walked back to the rest of the group who were still finishing up. "let me see." Courtney drew out and I stuck my hands out to show her. "they're so nice!" she said, pulling her hands out of her dryer once it'd turned off. "I'm so glad I got my nails done so I can take pictures of the ring now." I said non chalantly. Everyone's heads snapped towards me. "what ring?" olivia asked. I stuck my hands in my purse and put it on my right ring finger. "oh just the promise ring Damien got me." I said, pulling the hand out of my purse to show them. What followed was a mix of excitement, yelling and embarrassment as we were kicked out of the nail salon.

"Courtney is gonna be here any second." I said, looking at my phone as I walked into the living room. The boys were sat on the couch playing Dark Souls as barely acknowledged that I'd walked into the room. "oh great." I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door to start getting my shoes on. "OK SHUT THE GAME OFF WE'VE GOTTA LEAVE SOON!" I yelled from the front door, causing them to jump. Shayne even dropped his controller. "sorry." they mumbled and shut the game doesn before coming to put their shoes on as well. I didn't wanna go too crazy today with my outfit since I wanted to be comfortable but I still think I looked good none the less. Suddenly, my phone dinged, signifying that I'd gotten a text. It's Courtney, we can finally leave. I'm so excited to see my family.

"happy birthday!" everyone yelled as I walked into the house. They younger kids were holding the confetti poppers and set them off when I walked in, scaring me half to death. "happy birthday sweetie." my mom said coming out to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek and pulling me in for a hug. My dad did the same then Courtney and I walked the boys around the table to say hi and introduce them to anyone they hadn't met before like my moms sister and our grandparents and such. We sat down and had dinner while talking and telling storied, same like Sofia's birthday. All we do in this family is talk I swear. After that my mom and aunt Corie went to make coffee for everyone while the little kids went to go play outside. Sofia, Conrad and Clarke went with them as well to watch, leaving only the adults left at the table.

"so, what do you boys do for work?" my grandma asked, looking over at Shayne and Damien. "we actually all work together at the video company grandma. They're actors." I explained, taking the coffee cup from my mom with a silent thank you. "oh isn't that nice! Which TV shows and movies have you boys been in?" she asked, taking a sip of her own tea. By then, the attention of everyone at the table was on them. I'd never really brought up their acting careers aside from smosh stuff before; needless to say, this peaked everyone's interest. "I've been in a few movies but I've done a lot of guest stars on shows like iCarly, love bites, switched at birth and Henry Danger. Damien and I actually met when we did a season of 'So Random' together and now I'm a regular on 'the Goldbergs'." Shayne said, smiling shyly.

"Wow, that's some résumé. What about you Damien?" my grandpa asked. "I do voice acting for the most part, I've done some video games like Fortnite, Halo Wars 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2. I've also been on 'Glee' , did some voice acting for 'We Bare Bears' and I played 11 different characters on Clarence." he concluded, fiddling with his fingers. I slid my hand into his to stop the nervous tick, squeezing it reassuringly. "you boys are quite accomplished, your parents must be very proud." my mom said, shooting me a quick wink before standing up. "I think it's about time to do cake. Courtney honey, can you go get the kids in the back." my mom asked, Courtney nodded and stood up, walking towards the back door to yell out to them. "let that breath out babe, you're gonna pass out." I whispered, giggling lightly. "sorry, we're all good." he whispered smiling back at me and giving me a quick kiss as all the kids ran into the room and took their seats.

"thank you guys so much for everything."i said while walking around the table and thanking them for the gifts they got me. I just finished opening presents and now a the kids are sitting in the living room, half asleep while they're watching cartoons. I finally sat down to eat my piece of cake which my mom had made from scratch. That's the best part of my birthday, her baking. She's made the same cake for me every year since I was young, chocolate cake with vanilla icing, all home made. I took my first bite and threw my head back, groaning. "this is so good!" I said, making some of my family members laugh. "haven't see you make that face in a while." Damien whispered in my ear, putting his arm around the back of my chair. "maybe you'll see it again later if you're good." I said, he pouted and all I could do in response was smirk; I like this game.

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