Chapter 45

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I knew when I woke up on July 17th that today would be very special. The baby has been kicking like crazy all day, ever since we got back from smosh summer games I have been forbidden from going to work and if I want to visit the office, Ian literally makes me sit on my hands so I'm not tempted to work. I'm really thankful for that if I'm being honest, sure I miss everyone and it's going to be weird seeing videos that I wasn't I part of but it's for the best as I'm REALLY starting to feel pregnant now. I need serious help doing everything, it haven't been able to put my own shoes on or get in and out of the shower on my own in weeks and I keep bopping my stomach off of everything, if this baby doesn't come out all squished and weird, I'll honestly be shocked. My day started like any other, damien and I wake up, lay in bed and talk then peel ourselves off the bed sheets (thanks humidity, you're really coming in clutch aren't you?) and get ready for the day.

As damien showered, I say on the toilet, brushing my teeth and scrolling through my phone. I posted a picture yesterday from the last full day of summer games. We were shooting the belly flop competition and beside the place where we were shooting was an old looking summer house, it was white and beautiful and I noticed that there was an arch way, we took a couple picture and messed around while the crew set up and one of them turned out pretty nice so I used it for my last update post. The baby was supposed to be born on July 24th but apparently she had other plans. Anyways, back to my story. Suddenly I felt an uncomfortable cramp in my stomach but chalked it up to just being hungry. Damien got out of the shower, dried off and helped me in then did all of his morning stuff while I showered. I got out not long after that and we made our way back to the room to get ready for the day.

"I think I'm going to pack my hospital bag today, I meant to do it the other day and we should probably have it ready

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"I think I'm going to pack my hospital bag today, I meant to do it the other day and we should probably have it ready." I explained, sitting on the bed and pulling a pair of sweat pants on, it's on the cooler side today and since I'm staying in the house with the AC on, I'm going to need them, even if they are pretty thin. Once he was ready and I was fully dressed, I walked with him, Shayne and Courtney down the stairs and sent them off to work. Once they left, I put my hair in a messy bun, made myself some breakfast and sat down on the couch with the kitty's. After a few YouTube videos, I decided to do some house work. "The first thing I should get done is some laundry, then I'll pack my hospital bag, do the dishes and make lunch, it'll be perfect!" I said to myself, suddenly feeling a bit crazy. What, it gets lonely when your only companions can't speak, Atleast that's what they want you to think.

I threw a couple loads into the laundry machine and sat on the floor, folding the clothes as they came out. Once that was done I brought everyone's laundry to their rooms and pulled out the bag I planned on taking to the hospital. In it I put a change of clothes for when I leave, pajamas, the baby's clothes, some other baby things and a bag of basic toiletries. I threw everything in and zipped it up, ready to bring it down stairs and keep it by the door. After a solid 5 minutes of struggling to stand, I finally got up and wobbled down the stairs, the cats hot on my tail. I was stood at the sink washing dished when suddenly I got an extremely sharp pain in my stomach. I dried my hands and walked to the bathroom as fast as I could, pulling down my pants and sitting on the toilet. Just as I sat, I felt a release of water come out of me and between the amount and the cramp in my stomach, I could tell that it was not pee.

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