Chapter 29

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Today is going to be fun. I'm going with Shayne and Courtney to the valleyfolk office today because they're filming a Santa Steve video. I also haven't seen them in such a long time, since Halloween actually. Then later on tonight Damien and I are having a date night in. We're just going to cuddle up on the couch, eat take out and watch Netflix. We don't have to be at the valleyfolk office till 12 so I got to wake up nice and late. I put on tights, an oversized sweater and cute socks that I'd just throw boots over when we left. I also went with minimal makeup because why not, I'm only going out for a few hours today. "are you sure you don't wanna come?" I asked Damien as I stood in our washroom putting makeup on. He was laying on the bed reading and only glanced up at me briefly before turning his eyes to his book. "yeah I'm sure, I don't feel the greatest today so you guys go and have fun and I'll be waiting here for you when you get back." I smiled sadly, he's been sick for over a week now and today is the first day he's gotten out of bed. "ok, I'll see you later." I said, kissing him on the forehead and grabbing my phone before going downstairs to meet the others.

When we got there, Lee brought Shayne and Courtney right into the room to shoot with Steve whilst Joe pulled me aside

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When we got there, Lee brought Shayne and Courtney right into the room to shoot with Steve whilst Joe pulled me aside. "how've you been feeling kiddo?" he asked and sat beside me on the couch in the front area. We sat there for about half an hour talking about how I've been feeling sick and that everyone's been really great with helping out around the house. We also talked about the shut down at defy and how I've been dealing with the stress. I missed talking to him since he was always around the office and now that the valleyfolk is really taking off, he doesn't have a lot of free time. "thanks Joe, for everything." I thanked him at the end of our conversation and pulled him in for a hug. When we pulled away we walked back into the shoot to see it was Shayne's turn next. He walked over and Steve put his arms in the air and exclaimed "come here child! Come sit on my lap!" and then I knew this was about to be insanity.

Shayne sat down and put his arm around the back of his next, Steve laced their fingers together on the other hand. "how are you?!" Steve exclaimed animatedly. "I'm great Santa how are you?" Shayne asked, trying to refrain from laughing. . "Shayne looked over at him and said "you're kinda... Moving your hand up and down my back." he said as seriously as he could. "okay, is that weirder than the criss cross fingers here?" Steve asked, looking down at their intertwine hands before looking back to Shayne. "no, I would expect that from Santa." Shayne responded. "did you know doctors say that every doorknob has atleast 30% chocolate... On it?" we sat in confused silence, waiting to see what would happen next. "how?" Shayne asked, perplexed "everyone loves chocolate!" Steve said through laughter. "you see, chocolate is unique in the way that if you touch it, it always leaves just a little bit behind." Steve explained in a serious tone and Shayne turned away to laugh before returning back to their original position.

"what I'm trying to say is, if I was a giant doorknob." he start and Joe threw his hand over his mouth, "oh God." he said and we exchanged a wide eyed look. "I wouldn't mind getting 30% of you all over me." he said and placed his hand firmly on Shayne's lap. "Shayne looked over at him and gasped out a weak and confused. 'what?' causing both of them and everyone else in the room started laughing. "I think it's time for a present." Steve said and reached down beside him to retrieve a red and white box. Shayne opened it and pulled about a yellow clothe. "it's a handy shammy." Shayne said looking over the item in his hand. "it is a handy shammy, isn't it!" Steve said excitedly causing me to laugh so hard for reasons unbeknownst to me. "it holds 5 times its weight in liquid." he read off the package in Shayne's hand.

"let's pee on it! Just like we're kids again! You know, when we peed on rags, you and I." Steve said, sounding nostalgic. "I think that might have been... I don't, I never did that." Shayne explained. "well give it a shot, I'm here for you. I'll hold your hand if you want me to." Steve smiled causing Courtney and I to laugh. They talked about random shit for a few more minutes before Elliot signaled to Steve that it was time to get to the next person. "I hope you enjoy this gift and I hope you had a great time with Santa!" Steve said gesturing the the cloth once again. "I get to keep it?" Shayne asked. "of course! Go home to your family now, they're waiting for you." Steve patted Shayne's back and he got off, walking towards us. We clapped and cheered for him as he'd been a good sport throughout the whole thing. He walked into the hall to film a bit with Lee and Courtney was called up next. This is going to be one long afternoon.

"were home!" I yelled, kicking my shoes off at the front door, dropping my purse and making my way into the kitchen. Damien was leaning on the counter, scrolling through his phone. Beside him in the drying trey were all the dishes that were in the sink so he must have just finished up. "how was it?" he asked, opening his arms for me as I walked towards him. I fell into his embrace and immediately felt a sense of safety and comfort, his hugs have always done this to me but ever since I got pregnant I feel our connection is even stronger; thats probably because I'm literally carrying our child. "it was good, I just wish you were there." I said, my words muffled by his shirt. "I do too but I just checked my temperature and were back down below 100, I should be good as new in a few more days." he explained. "good because I've missed your lips." I said and he kissed me on the cheek. "get a room!" Courtney yelled as she walked by. "if you don't like it, go to yours!"

"ok, the food is ordered now what to watch?" I said, sitting down on the couch beside Damien as his arm fell around my shoulder. "oooo, can we watch bonnie and Clyde, they added it not long ago and I've always wanted to watch it." I said, tilting my head back to look at him. "sure, I hear it's great." he said, clicking on the picture and pausing it before it can start. "but first, I have to go to the washroom." he said, holding up a finger as if to say 'wait a minute' and jumping off the couch, running to the washroom. I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out to go on instagram. I posted a photo of Courtney and I from when we were in high school (up there) and I was going through the comments when one stuck out. 'it sucks to be the ugly cousin doesn't it?' and I felt my chest tighten for only a moment. That had always been something I was insecure about and I try not to think about it but that's hard to do when you've been compared to someone your whole life.

When we were younger, my family members always used to talk about how I was the one who always got Courtney in trouble and how without me she was an angel. Little did they know all the stuff she was doing behind their back when we were younger. I never resented her for it though, if anything it brought us closer because she would go out of her way to get in trouble on her own to take the heat off me. I quickly replied with 'I think we look really similar actually, we've been mistaken for twins our whole lives but thanks for the input🙂'. I read it over and smirked, pressing send and closing my phone. I can't wait for the shit show that will insue after that reply. After about 10 more minutes of Damien being in the washroom, I got kind of concerned so I made my way over and heard talking coming from the other end of the phone.

"yeah, tell them I'll be there. Thanks boze.... Bye." he hung up the phone and just hearing her name made me uncomfortable. "you ok in there?" I said, knocking on the door lightly before pushing it open. "yeah, JKnews wanted me to go film a couple episodes with them in the new year and they asked boze to call for them since she's the only one who had my number." he explained sliding the phone into his pocket. "oh good! Im so glad that you're getting extra work, I know how you get when you sit around for too long." I said as we walked back towards the couch together, I sat down as the doorbell went off, that must be the food. Damien grabbed the stuff from the delivery man and brought it to the couch where we stayed, eating and watching movies until we both passed out.

(this was a bit of a short filler chapter which I mean they kinda have to happen sometimes or else I get burned out, sorry. I hope you enjoyed it none the less but bye😘)

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