Chapter 16

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Its been a month since Courtneys birthday and things between boze and I have gotten worse. We can't even be in the same room together without both of us making an excuse to leave. Her and Damien have been on better terms though which is a relief, fans were starting to notice and would comment on their videos how weird and strained their relationship looked. This week though, has been so fun. We're shooting smosh summer games stuff right now and yesterday was day 1 of 2. We only had 2 days to actually film this year because budget is super low so all we got were team shirts and a bunch of inflatable outdoor toys.

No one knows but I'm surprising them at the shoot today, and I'm so excited. I got dressed like normal today, just some shorts and a tank top them put on my sneakers and my normal makeup just waterproof because you never know. We got to the office at 8 this morning and I kissed Damien goodbye before going to my desk and starting drawing out some set layouts for future videos. All of the cast left at about 9, giving me an hour to finish my work and get to the park before they start filming. "you're coming with me, right?" Sarah asked, sticking her head into my office.

She was reffing today but she said she had some work to finish with production before she could get down there, it was only kind of a lie because the 'work' was helping me with mine so we can both make it down on time. "yeah, I just have to finish my list of what we'll need for 'every camping trip ever'." I said over my shoulder. She sat down across from me and started making the list for the modern fairytale video. Within the half an hour we were both finished and running perfectly on schedule. "I have your 'inflata-bulls' shirt for you in the car, just throw it over what you're wearing." Sarah said as we rushed out to her car.

The drive itself is only 10 minutes but knowing LA traffic, we'd probably need the full half hour. "so, you and Damien are an item then?" she smirked, glancing over at me while she drove. "yeah." I blushed, looking down at my lap. "I think you guys are cute, you remind me of me and Claudio when we first started dating." she  smiled at me before turning her attention back to the road ahead. Sarah is like the cool older sister that you aspire to be. I just hope Damien and I end up like her and Claudio, happily married some day.

"ok, they should all just be sitting on the other side, that's the 'set' that they're using to shoot the whipout video. If we just walk up behind the set and sneak around the side, no one should hear us. You ready?" Sarah said, unbuckling her seat belt. I nodded and followed suit. We got out of the car and ran up behind the big prop. We counted down mouthing 3,2,1 before running around either side and jumping on top of everyone. "Surprise!" I yelled, opening my arms and smiling widely. "I didn't think you'd come, I love this surprise!" Courtney exclaimed, giving me a big hug. "of course, I had so come Rep my favorite person." I said, pulling at the blue shirt I was wearing. "ahem." Damien cleared his throat. "oh and him to" I shrugged nonchalantly, nodding my head on his direction. "yeah yeah, whatever." he scooted closer and pulled me into his lap.

We laid around and talked for a whole before Ryan called out that they were ready to start shooting. I stood up and walked around to an area behind the camera where they'd set up a little tent where they were keeping coolers of water and sat on a blanket and sat on the floor to watch then film. The whole shoot I couldn't take my eyes off of my handsome boyfriend, the blue shirt and headband looked great on him. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have him in my life, he's such a genuine caring person and the more time I spend with him the more I fall in love with him. Wait, did I just say love. I shook my head, trying to get the thought off my mind. It's way too early for me to even be considering that word applying to him. I mean we've only been together for a few months.

"and that's a wrap on whipout, everyone go for lunch, we film again in am hour." Ryan called and everyone dispersed. Courtney ran right over me and tackled me to the ground. "you did good kid." I said messing up her hair. "it's only 8 months!" she groaned in annoyance and tried to roll off me but I held onto her she continued to squirm until Shayne came over and lifter her off me, giving her a quick kiss and collapsing back onto the ground where one of the many coolers was. "do you wanna go for a walk?" Damien asked, holding out his hand towards me. I nodded and grabbed us each a sandwich from the cooler, mine was peanut butter and jelly, and I grabbed his hand letting him help me up.

"how are you feeling? It's super hot today?" I asked damien as we walked hand in hand. "I'm sweating like crazy but no rash yet so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.... Anyways, boze told us all today that she's leaving, she said she's leaving in October but since we pre record they'll see her till November/ December. She said she made the decision in April... At about the same time you came... " he trailed off as he connected the dots. I pressed my lips together tightly and just nodded. We walked back to the group in time for them to start filming the next game. I gave him a kiss and he ran off with everyone else. I walked back over to the tent and plopped down, feeling hot, overwhelmed and guilty.

(this is a little bit of a filler chapter but you've gotta have those once in a while or I'd be burnt out lol, regardless I hope you enjoyed!)

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