Chapter 46

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(let's completely gloss over the vidcon announcement of smosh summer games bc it doesn't fit into my story so let's just go with a similar timeline as the first time they went to vidcon but we'll make it in around mid to end of September)

(also, the writing of the first paragraph of this chapter feels kinda like a diary entry and like it's breaking the 4th wall which I mean, I'm not a fan of in this case but it is what it is, Woah oops(I just had to))

This baby could not have come at a better time. The videos for smosh summer games started going up regularly 2 days before I went into labour so work for damien and the rest of the gang is going to be slow for the next month, that means I will have extra help with this baby; and believe me, I'm going to need it. We've been in the hospital for the past week because the baby was early and she was having some problems regulating her body heat but we've got things under control. Today we get to leave and I get to go home as a complete family for the first time, needless to say I was excited. That excitement was only second to the feeling I got when I had my first coffee since being pregnant, that was on a whole new level let me tell you. Anyways, we're packing up to leave right now, well Damien is packing the small amount of stuff we brought and bringing that down to the car along with all the stuff people brought in while we were here, I've never seen so many balloons attached to bears in my life and I probably never will (I work in a hospital and you wouldn't believe the amount of stuff woman who have babies get, it's absolutely ridiculous, ok I'm gonna stop with the authors notes sorry).

This week of insanity started the day after I gave birth, all the people who had come to the hospital and waited here all night to meet her went home at about 3am, most of them promising to return as soon as possible. I slept until 10 mostly uninterrupted aside from the nurses coming to check on the baby and myself which I didn't mind much. Damien laid still asleep in the pull out bed beside me until about 11 when people started arriving. At first it was just Shayne and Courtney bringing with them breakfast including that delicious coffee. We ate and talked, the baby being passed around the whole time. After we were done eating and everything was cleaned up, I threw on some makeup knowing that everyone and their mother would be coming to see her today. It started with our parents, siblings and grandparents, the Lasercorn, Brina and Tyler showed up and I think he was the most excited to see her out of everyone.

So many people came that I'm sure the hospital staff hated me by now but I was too happy to care. In the days following things slowed down a bit but one thing stayed constant, our roommates. I swear, they only go home to shower and sleep, those 2 are nuts. On days when they all have to be at work, my mom and sister come in to keep me company, Damiens mom and sister came a lot too, and Carter was just as excited as Tyler was to meet his new cousin. I can't tell you how many times he asked to hold her. Finally I gave in, bringing him up onto the bed to sit on my lap and I held her with the other arm. He talked to her like they were just having a regular conversation which I found so cute that I started crying, like a lot; damn you hormones. My room doesn't have a tv and you can only watch the same Netflix movies so many times. The constant flow of people was great and I felt so loved but the down times were even better. The time I spent with just Lucy and Damien was so nice, I felt like our little family was complete, for now anyways.

The following week was a whirlwind of tests and visitors and more tests and more visitors; who knew having a baby would cause so much fuss. One day in particular stuck out to me and that was the day that the crew came to visit. Unlike the cast, summer games meant more work in the form of catching up on editing and doing so much prep work for the influx of videos that had to be shot when summer games was finished. On my 5th day in the hospital, my closest crew friends Sarah, Rachel, Taylor and Monica got the day off and came in to surprise me! And a surprise it was, they brought in a bunch of snacks and we all sat in the room, some people on my bed with me, some people on Damiens as he was gone for the day to do stuff outside of smosh, and just watched movies. At this point I'd probably seen all of them but in that moment I didn't care. Before I knew it, half the day was gone and visiting hours were over so they had to leave. To my surprise, I actually cried whilst saying goodbye, I guess having them there just meant so much to me that I didn't want it to end.

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