Chapter 32

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"good morning uncle Ken!" I exclaimed as we walked into his house, giving him a hug as Courtney pulled away from hers. Courtney's dad ever so graciously offered for us to shoot a video at his house today. It's going to be messy and half the squad lives in apartments where as the other half just didn't wanna do it at theirs. He doesn't mind the mess though, he's awesome. Ian, Shayne and Damien came in not long after us carrying the peanut butter and there was a lot of it. This sketch is really short so the rest of the squad isn't going to be in it which is sad but hey, Atleast they get the day off. "I'm so sad you have to shave your beard." I pouted, placing my hands on Damiens face and rubbing his soon to be hairless jaw. He has to shave it just before we start because I swear that thing grows in like weeds. "I know, it was coming in nicely but most 10 year olds don't have them so unfortunately I can't either." he said sadly and went to the washroom to shave as I got the front hallway cleared.

"ok next we're going to film the zoom shot of Damien, remember you're making these total strangers do this gross thing, thinking that you're the sick kid when really you're just a little asshole." Ryan explained, making us all laugh. I was sat on the couch with Courtney, facing the front door where Damien was kneeling getting ready for the shot. We'd just finished filming their first interaction which only took about an hour or so. Courtney and I have been sitting off to the side trying to make Damien laugh with commentary which has only worked a few times and every time Ryan Todd has yelled at us. "you two over there, keep your comments to yourself till the end of the shot, got it?" Ryan said, standing in the doorway and pointing at us. "sorry dad." we mumbled and he stepped outside to film.

Ever since my incident last week, people have been babying me even more than they already were. I'm not allowed to carry heavy things which really puts a damper on my whole production role and I'm hardly helping produce anymore. I just feel useless. I think I'm going to talk to Courtney about it today and since she's not going to be needed for a while, this is a better time than anything. "Can we talk for a second Court?" I whispered as they were currently rolling. She nodded and stood up, helping me up and we walked upstairs to the guest room. "what's up buttercup?" she asked, closing the door and popping down beside me on the bed. "I've kinda been feeling like crap lately, I feel like this whole being pregnant thing has made me useless to the group. I want to help more but I feel like I'm being babied too much." I sighed, burying my head in my hands. The second the words left my mouth I felt stupid.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to face her. "you are in no way shape or form a burden to us. You are such an important part of our group, videos wouldn't be the same without you. Just because you're not doing as much physical work anymore doesn't mean you're not doing other stuff. I mean hell, you're basically the whole creative team and a lot of our ideas come from you. You contribute so much more than you know so don't ever think that you're useless." she said, pulling me into a hug. "thanks Courtney, I really needed to hear that." I said as we pulled away from the hug. "now let's go watch the rest of the shoot, the guys are currently covering each other in peanut butter and I do not want to miss that!"she exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room before I could even get a word in.

I was sat on the couch that faced the door with Courtney kneeling in front of me. We were shooting the last scene of the video and I just finished putting her hair into 2 loose French braids. They finished the scene not long ago where they smothered each other in peanut butter which I seriously doubt is going to end up in the final product but for realizime they insisted, weirdos. "yeah I'm not Jessie, that's my little sister. She real sick. Hey Jessie, there's two grown men here to make your dreams come true or something." Damien said with the same monotone voice he'd been using the whole video. It's been weird seeing him play an evil, straight faced kid because it's so different than what he's like in real life. I can't wait to see which traits from each of us the baby picks up. Courtney waddle over on her knees and stood beside Damien, peaking around the side of the door. "oh wish a dream! Cool! I wanna meet Ed sheeran!" she said in awe, her slightly high pitched voice was adorable. I couldn't see them because they were outside sobbing and yelling.

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