Chapter 3

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The movie finished and everyone but me and Courtney decided to leave since it was already past 1am. "so you're cousins?" Shayne asked, pointing between up. "yeah, why? Courtney never talk about me?" I asked in fake annoyance glaring at Courtney. "of course I do! All the time actually. Shayne just doesn't listen when I speak." she smirked, shoving me lightly with her shoulder.

"well what brings you around now?" damien chimed in, crossing his arms and propping them up on the table we were sitting around, eating the left over cold pizza. "it's a bit of a long story but I was in a bad relationship for the last 5 years. He was pretty controlling about where I went and who I talked to, mostly men, so I didn't get out much aside from work and family events, and not even that for the last few months. I left him about a week ago and went to live with Courtney temporarily. Now I'm just looking for somewhere to live. I just don't want to move in with total strangers."

Damine looked over and Shayne who smiled and nodded. They both looked towards me and I raised an eyebrow. "why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "we just had someone move out not long ago so we have an extra room that you're more than welcome to move into." Shayne said and Damien quickly followed with, "that is, if you want to." all 3 of them looked at me in anticipation. "of course I'd want to! You guys are super cool and nice and anyone who's a friend of Courtney's is a friend of mine." I smiled widely. Courtney squeeled and jumped up, running around the side of the table to hug me.

"when do you want me to move in?" I asked the boys as Courtney and I separated. "how about tomorrow? We have Monday off too so we'll have 2 days to get you settled." Damien suggested and Shayne nodded in agreement. I agreed and we talked until 2 in the morning when we all started yawning then decided to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow. They walked us out to Courtney's and we drove home quickly. I passed out on the couch without changing or washing my face.

I woke up the next day at about 10, feeling surprisingly refreshed. I grabbed my shower stuff and walked over to the couch. Wes and his fiancé left a couple of days ago to go stay with her family for a while so we've just had the house, and more importantly the washroom, to ourselves. I took a nice long shower then got out, did my makeup and got dressed. I walked out to see Courtney in the fridge pouring us both cereal. "you excited?" she asked, turning around and leaning against the counter. "you have no idea!" I exclaimed, grabbing the almond milk from the fridge and pouring it into both of our bowls.

We ate quickly while sitting on the counter then rushed to the living room to get my stuff together before olivia came to pick us up. Apparently Courtney called olivia and asked to pick us up so we could use her car to go buy furniture, be it that she had the biggest one out of our group. She picked us up at 12 and we drove right to Damien and Shayne house, or rather our house. Thats gonna be so weird. I've only ever lived with my family and my boyfriend, roommates is going to be a whole new adventure. When we pulled up Courtney texted Shayne so say we were outside and they came out to help me with my very few things. We brought them up to the room and looking around, it felt even more Barron than it did yesterday. I'm really thankful that I sold all those things and saved my money because I'm going to need it today.

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