The End (Authors Note Again)

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Hey guys, long time no speak how have you been? Good? Good!

Sooooo, it's been decided that there's going to be another book (yay!). With that being said I'm gonna need some time to pre write a few chapters like I did before I started this story, I need to get back into it as the "last chapters" for this story have been done for weeks and I need to get back into the flow. I have a big test coming up for school next week so I probably won't start the next book for another 2 weeks but I'm very excited!

I'm going to need all of your help though, I'm at a lose for a new title and like I said in the last update I'm going to need ideas for chapters, I have about the first 10 planned out but there would be no point in making a new book if I only did 10 more chapters so leave those in the comments. Also if anyone is creative and knows how to make book covers I am accepting those, for this book and the next. Like I said guys bare with me and I'll try my best to make y'all proud!


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