Chapter 35

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This week has been the busiest we've had in a while, we've been filming something single every day. Production was pushed so far back from the break and not having access to the right stuff that I'm going to be up to my neck in work until the baby comes. The idea of being off for as long as I need once the baby comes is relieving considering how much prep I'll have to do but it also makes me sad that I won't be around these people as much for a while. Hell, let's be honest, I'm still going to come in and visit with the baby then end up helping out around set. Today is different though. Damiens filming a video at lasercorns house so I get to hang out with Brina for a few hours. It'll will be nice to take to someone who's been married for years and is also I mom, I feel like I can relate to her on a deeper level than some of the other people I talk to regularly. Sure, I love my friends more than anything but they haven't experienced things like pregnancy so you can only sympathize so much.

Today I'm not feeling very good so I hope this outting puts me in a better mood. I'm dressed comfy today, a baggy looney toons shirt, leggings and a giant comfy cardigan. Later on were going on a double date with Shayne and Courtney to the movies and since its casual, I don't have to change; huge bonus. We're driving there right now, I'm sitting in the passanger seat scrolling through my phone when I see damien glance over at me out if the corner of his eye. Suddenly he sighs and I can't tell if it's sadness or contentment. I lift my head up, locking ny phone and looking over at him. "are you ok babe?" I asked, my brows furowing together in concern. "I'm more than ok, this is the happiest I've been in a long time, I have you, this baby, a great job, great friends and family. What more can a guy ask for." he smiled, grabbing my hand and rubbing the back with his thumb as he continues to drive. He's so sappy and sweet, it never gets old.

We walked up to the door hand in hand and Damien leaned forward to knock before stepping back. Brina answered the door with Tyler by her side. She gave damien a hug, then me and Tyler basically jumped into his arms. "uncle Damien! Mommy's getting us pizza for lunch! And daddy is setting up Mario cart!" he exclaimed as damien carried him into the house. "that sounds great buddy! Have you decided which character you're going to play as in Mario cart?-" damien asked the excited toddler as they disappeared into the house. We stood in the doorway and watched them with big smiled on our faces. Hers was just from seeing her son happy but mine was because I got to see the father of our child being so good with kids. Of course I know he's a sweetheart and kids, especially babies love him but seeing it is so nice it almost brings a tear to my eye. We went over to his step sisters house the other day and i could barely pay attention to what she was saying because I was too busy watching damien play with his nephew.

"come in honey, I want to show you some of the baby stuff I have saved up for you." Brina said, pulling me inside and locking the door. We walked towards the back of the house where the bedrooms are and on the way passed the boys in the living room. Lasercorn and I exchanged a hug and a hello before they began to shoot the video. She led me into a room they used as the office and opened up a set of doors that led to a closet which was full of box's. She pulled a box out that was labeled 'unisex' and handed it to me. We sat together on the floor of the office and went through the box. Inside were all sorts of toys and clothes for every stage of infancy that were non discript colours like white, grey and yellow. There were also plastic dished and utensils, bottles and some white crib sheets.

"Brina, this is too much. Why don't you guys save it in case you have another baby." I said as I packed all the stuff back into the box and pushed it back in her directions. "David and I aren't planning on having anymore children, not as of right now anyways. And besides, we still have all of Tyler's stuff and if it's a girl, we'll have to buy more anyways." she said, pushing it back into my direction. I smiled at her graciously and pushed it with my legs all the way back to the living room. Lasercorn had just left the boys so Damien could 'babysit' so he brought the large heavy box to the car for me. "now that that's out of the way, it's time to order pizza." she said whilst whipping her forehead. Whilst the boys played loudly in the next room, David, Brina and I talked about parenthood and the things to come. I felt like we were pretty ready, of course we're going to struggle and stumble but what first time parent doesn't? "watch this." lasercorn said and grabbed the walkie talkie. He was instructing Tyler to shoot Damien and Damien of course played along with it.

They continued to play and we watched them on the monitor that was in that room since it was also used as Tyler's playroom. Damien was letting him win and racing along side him whilst asking him questions and I watched it all with a stupid smile on my face. "you guys really love each other, I can see the way you look at him. " Brina said, snapping my attention away from the little TV that sat in their office where we were talking. "he's the love of my life, I can't describe the feeling I get when I see him or even hear someone say his name." I said dreamily and they smiled back. "you don't have to describe it, we know the feeling." lasercorn said and they exchanged a kiss. "the pizza will be here any minute and I think I should check on the boys before the make a plot to take over my YouTube channel." lasercorn laughed and left the room, we followed not far behind.

They wrapped up the video and we ate lunch whilst talking to Tyler about school and his friends and his favourite video games. When we were done, we decided to head out since it was already 3 and we needed to go home and do choirs before our double date tonight. We said bye with a vow to come back and visit again very soon. The drive home was in relative silence aside from discussing the contents of the box that Brina gave us. When we got home, I put a record on the record player in my room so we could listen to music while we cleaned. In hindsight that was a big mistake because we ended up dancing to most of the songs that came on, damn you Ed Sheeran. We eventually got our room and bathroom cleaned and all of our long overdue laundry was folded and put away. By then it was almost 6 so I quickly touched up my makeup and grabbed my purse before rushing downstairs along side Damien. Shayne and Courtney went to dinner before the movie and since we were too busy dancing and not cleaning, we had to stay behind. It's ok, we can just get more snacks!

(ok I had to look up movies that came out in February 2019 because that where we are in the story and I know that US releases are different from Canada which is where I live so I just picked one that looked good and I'm sorry if the movie I choose didn't come out in theaters and instead just a TV release or something. Anyways, back to the story!)

We pulled into the movie theater parking lot and spotted Shaynes car almost immediately. "pull in beside them." I chuckled and Damien quickly pulled into the spot beside them, making the two who were standing outside the car jump. We got out laughing at them and they were trying their best to look 'angry' but were failing miserably. "you should have seen your faces!" I laughed, giving my cousin a hug. "yeah yeah, now let's go get tickets before the movie sells out." Courtney rolled her eyes, truing to hid the smile ok her face. We walked in and bought 4 tickets to see 'the Amityville murder' and I know what you're thinking, and yes scary movies still stress me out and that's probably not good for the baby but this movie is based more on the case than the killings itself so I think I'll be fine.

The movie was really good and interesting. The movie finished at about 8 so we decided to pass by Ian's for a but before heading home. I was put in charge of calling him so I pulled out my phone, dialed his number and waited. It went through 3 rings, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Suddenly he picked up, "hey." he said shortly, he sounded out of breath. "they Ian are you ok?" I asked, damien breifly turning his attention towards me. "I'm great actually. I have something very special for you guys on Monday." he said, I could hear the smile in his voice, he's clearly very excited about this. "well you're not going to have to wait until Monday because we're coming over. We'll be there in 10."i told him, he agreed and we exchanged a goodbye before hanging up. I wonder what he's so excited about. We got to his house shortly after and walked up to the door. Before any of us could knock the door flew open and Ian welcomed us in. "come in, make yourself at home. Would anyone like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?" he asked.

"Woah slow down Ian." Shayne laughed. We all told him what we wanted to drink then made our way further into his weird house. We sat down at the kitchen table where he's taken out some snack in the anticipation that guests were coming and soon, he joined us with the drinks. "sorry that I took so long to answer my phone, I left it in the living room, I find I can't be creative sometimes when it's around; I get too distracted." he explained and I brushed it off. "being creative with what Ian, you still haven't told us the surprise." Courtney said, sipping her coffee. "well, on Monday, we are going to be shooting our first ever podcast. I was thinking of topic ideas and got a little carried away, now I'm 3 episodes in." he laughed. This is a big deal, we've wanted a podcast for a long time so the fact that this is happening is huge. He talked about the format and who'd be on each episode that was planned so far, he looked like a kid on Christmas. I can't wait to see what this podcast has in store for us.

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