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Lauren's POV:

I wandered around the big house and ended up talking to Corey's girlfriend.

"I've never seen you before." A pretty brunette said to me. "I'm Madisyn."

I shook her hand. "I'm Lauren. This is my first party without any college students."

She laughed. "So, you know Cody? Corey has been talking about some girl Cody met."

"Uh yeah." I said a little uncomfortable. Does his whole team know about me?

"Don't worry love, it's just Joc and Corey that know." She reassured me after noticing my uneasiness.

I sighed in relief.

Madisyn giggled. "So, what's going on with you and Cody? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh it's ok." Something about her made me trust her easily. "We're just friends at the moment. Cody asked me to come here so I'm here with my friend, who's around here somewhere."

"Ah I see." She leaned a little closer to me. "Wanna know a secret?"

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders. I turned my head so I could hear her over the loud music.

"Cody really likes you."

"Really?" I questioned sound too excited.

"I personally think so. I watched him talk to you and I can just tell by the way he looks at you when you're talking."

I chucked. "I feel like I'm in high school all over again."

"Girl, I wish I still was." She laughed.

The two of us ended up finding Stevie and we all talked for a little bit until, I left to go look for Cody again. It had been about two hours since Joc took him away.

I went to go grab another drink until some blond chick stopped me.

"Listen I don't know who you are thinking you can get with Cody just like that when I'm here." She spit. The blond was wearing the most scandalous outfit I've ever seen. Sure, she was a grown woman and she can wear whatever she wants but Jesus no one wants to see that.

"Excuse me, What?" I snapped. Cody never mentioned another girl before and he seemed pretty single to me.

"You heard me." She said all bitchy and crossed her arms. "Don't talk to Cody ever again or we're gonna have some problems here."

Instead of answering to the blond's dumb threats I rolled my eyes and went to go find Stevie.

Soon, I found her on the couch talking to Madisyn still.

"What's wrong Lo? You look hella pissed." Stevie asked, concerned.

"Some bitch told me to stay away from Cody. And I don't even know who the fuck she is and Cody never brought up he was seeing someone." I fumed.

"Wait what did she look like?" Madisyn asked, her eyes wide.

"Some blond dumbass wearing the most sluttiest looking outfit ever."

"How the fuck is she in here?" Madisyn gasped.

"Who now?" Stevie asked.

"Jenna, she had some thing with Cody a long time ago but she was really toxic and rude as fuck so, Cody broke it off very quickly."

"Good for him." Stevie commented.

"But why the fuck is she here?" I asked with annoyance in my voice.

"I have no clue. I'll go talk to Kelsey and see how she got in here."

"Guess we're finding Cody?" Stevie asked looking at me.

"You bet your ass we are." Something in me, deep down was a mix of disappointment and sadness. How couldn't he have told me.

We ended up in the backyard where Cody was practically snuggled up with the blond bitch. She took notice of me and turned Cody's face towards her and kissed him.

Something in me snapped, "What the fuck Cody."

The kiss was short as I yelled at them.

"It's not what it looks like." He said in defense.

"Oh yeah, it totally doesn't look like you guys were kissing or anything."

"I told you to stay away from him sweetie." The blond replied in a sickly sweet voice that made me wanna smack the smirk off her face.

"Oh fuck off." I rolled my eyes. "You know Cody, you could told me you were already talking to someone."

"It's not-" he started.

"Save it." I snapped harshly. "I really thought you weren't a douchebag all star but I guess I was wrong."

Without giving Cody a chance to respond I turned around, grabbed Stevie by the wrist and dragged her outside.

I didn't say a single word until we were completely out of the house. But Stevie on the other hand was going off about Cody.

"What a fucking a whore." She muttered.

"How could I be so stupid." I cried out as we waited for an Uber.

"Lauren you are not stupid. Cody just turned out to be a fuckboy." Stevie said as she sat next to me on the curb.

"I guess but the worst apart about this was I started to catch feelings for him."

"Wait really?"

"I mean I was but not anymore."

"Right. Well, when we get back home we are going to order McDonalds and watch some Carrie Dairies ok?"

"That sounds better." I answered, feeling a bit happier.

Soon, the Uber was here and Cody came bursting out of the house with Corey trailing him.

"Lauren, wait please!" Cody called out from the porch. "I can explain!"

A part of me wanted to stay and another part just wanted to flip him off and never talk to him again.

I looked back at Stevie who shook her head.

"I don't want an explanation." I yelled at him and close the car door.

I sat next to Stevie who had the biggest smile on her face, "That's my girl!"

I gave her a weak smile and accepted her hug as the driver took us back home.

As soon as we got home, I went to go shower and change to get ready for binge. Bubba came over to join us too after Stevie explained the whole thing to her.

We watched Carrie Diaries until they both fell asleep but I couldn't. That girl's face all over Cody was stuck in my head. I just wanted that image gone.

So, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Alex saying that I was down to hang out soon. Fuck it.

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