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Lauren's POV:

"Lauren!" A certain voice called out to her.

The girl groaned as she heard her dorm room slam shut. "What do you want Bubba?"

The short brunette took a seat on Lauren's bed, "Do you think you can ask Cody if he can get me-I mean you- I mean us tickets to their game against the Red Sox? Pretty please."

"Why Bubs? Don't you have mid terms to study for soon?"

"Yes, but I plan on taking a self-care day which is the day the Rex Sox come here to play against the Dodgers. Crazy I know."

Lauren sighed. "You just wanna Mookie Betts up close."

The centerfielder blushed deeply, "You're not wrong."

As Lauren was about to nicely deny Bubba's wishes since she felt bad using Cody for tickets whether it's by the dugout or in the nosebleeds but her phone started ringing.

"Oh it's Cody!" Lauren happily exclaimed. "Hell-"

She was cut off short before Bubba snatched away her phone and started blabbering to him. "Hi Cody, this is Lauren's best friend Bubba if you don't remember but anyways I was wondering if you could be oh so sweet and get us tickets to watch you guys play against the Red Sox this week."

Lauren struggled to get her phone back as Bubba swiftly convinced Cody into getting them seats. The poor girl finally got her phone back when her teammate was finally done talking.

"He can get us seats." She proudly stated as Lauren snatched her phone back.

"Bubba! You can't just do that." Lauren huffed. "Cody?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"You really don't have to get us those tickets Bubba and I can pay for some ourselves." Lauren glared at her as she continued her conversation.

"No, it's ok. I insist. I called you to ask what games you would like to come watch so, I can you and your friends decent seats."

"Are you sure Cody? I don't want to make you go out of your way."

"Yeah, it's fine. Just pay me back with good seats to your home games and to your college World Series game alright?"

Bubba still sat on Lauren's bed but now she was giving her puppy dog eyes and pouting like a baby. Please! She mouthed.

I guess it's fine. It works out since we're gonna basically swap tickets to each other's games.
"Ok, I'll take them." Lauren sighed as she gave in.

The centerfielder jumped onto Lauren as her way of saying thank you.

"Make sure you get us tickets to the Red Sox game please!" Bubba shouted into the phone before Lauren hung up.

Lauren heard him chuckle, "Of course not."

"I'll talk to you soon Belli."

"Bye Marty."

"Bubba, I'm literally going to kill you."

The young adult looked at Lauren with a smirk plastered on her face, "Go ahead, but I suggest fixing your swing first."

The brunette took her pillow and whacked Bubba harashly even though she was right. She really did need to fix her swing.


Later that evening, the two student athletes had hitting practice. Which was perfect for Lauren since, she kept subconsciously dropping her bat.

"Everyone get in groups of three please. We are going to do stations and mix in some conditioning for your girls since, the World Series is right around the corner." Their head coach, Lisa Perez instructed.

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