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It was night time, we all decided to have a movie night with the kids, the guys joined of course. I was making the popcorn with Jake, while Demon and Drake put down pillows and blankets, Mia and Bella argued over a movie.

We finally decided to watch Cars3. Since we didn't want to give the children nightmares but all Jake said was I will have nightmare of talking cars. I was sitting next to Demon with Brian on my lap, I leaned my head on Demon's shoulder starting to drift off.

I was woken up my someone shaking me awake, I looked and saw Brian was awake he looked scared with that my body was alert. "What's wrong marshmallow?" I whispered, he looked around then looked at me.

"I heard thing break upstairs and foot steps." He whimpered making me frown, picking him up and placing him on my hip, we walked upstairs and checked every room until we got to the last one, I opened it and switched on the lights, I looked around and saw the window was broken. Putting Brian down, I looked around a bit but stopped when I heard Brian gasp, I looked behind me and saw a figure in the shadows. He stepped into the light making me gasp in shock.


He smirked at me "hello and goodnight Luna." I felt a presence behind me, Brian screamed an everything went blank.

I opened my eyes to see white walls with cracks, I was on a bed and my clothes were changed only having a bra and panties on. Trying to get up but failed when I was pulled back by restrains around my arms I tried to break by struggling but it only made my arms hurt, wincing I kept trying to free myself from them. With no use, I looked around the room and saw Brian in the corner with silver chains around him, he was unconscious, I tried to move but couldn't, I heard a click sound coming from my left and saw the wooden door open, Jay walked in with a smirk on his face. He came and touched my cheek it hurt when he touched me I pulled away, he looked angry.

"Please Jay let Brian go. He didn't do anything." I plead, he only looked more angry.

"So that's what the mutts name is," growled at him making him smirk, "tsk tsk tsk, be careful or else the mutt will loose something and we don't want that do we."

"What do you want anyway?"

"Wanna hear a story Harmony," I looked at him confused, "Well okay, Once upon a time there was a little boy who was friends with a little girl, the little girl was like an angle she made the sun shine in his heart for the little boy just with a simple smile. As he grew older his feelings for the  girl got stronger but one day he saw the girl with a mutt, it angered him to see his angle in the hands of another! He tried to break them up by send enemies to make the mutt show who he really is but she just fell more in love with him! He even got him to reject him! But do you know what happened?" I looked at him with wide eyes, he laughed," She still went back to him!" I gasped, a man walked into the room with chair and set it next to the bed, Jay sat on it. " He did everything in his power to get his little angle back but nothing worked so he decided to play harsh."

I processed his story, going back to the time rouge attacked me and the girls, when Demon told me what he really is, I looked back when I rejected Demon.

" Jay please let me go, you don't have to do this. " I plead, he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh but I do my little angle, your were supposed to be mine not his, don't worry we will be together soon."

"What do you mean?" I was afraid to ask but I needed to know.

"Well am going to break the bond between you and that mutt, making you bonded to me and only me, I found a witch who would love to do the owners, by the full moon three day away you will be mine completely and your little mate will die."

"I-it's impossible, you can't!"

"Oh but it is, all I need to do is get your mate here and the witch will rip the bond from him and give it to me, it will be painful for him though don't worry."  He stood up walking up to me "Let's send him a gift shall we." he pulled out a pocket knife and ripped my panties off, I shouted and plead for him not to but he only laughed and walked out leaving me in the room. I was half naked now.

The room had no windows so I couldn't tell if its night or day, I sighed and plead with the gods above to get Demon to find. I looked at little Brian, my Marshmallow, promising I will get him out of here safe by all means necessary.

~~~~~~~~~~~DEMON POV~~~~~~~~~~

I growled as I felt a pain on my cheek, who ever has her is touching what's mine. I growled again as I looked at the map trying to find out where my mate and pup are, the door barged open and Drake, Mia, Bella and Jake walked in, Brake was holding a box in his hand.

"Alpha you need to see this." I took the box and growled us I looked at Harmony's laced black panties with a flash drive in the middle and a note, taking the note I read it and growled, Drake took it and read it out loud.

'Time is running out mutt, if you don't came to find her, I will be send little pieces of her, I always liked her hair don't you?'

Taking the flash and connecting it to the computer, the screen was black but a figure showed up stepping into the light, Mia gasped as she looked at the smirking figure that is Jay.

"Hello Alpha, you like my gift I sent you," he chuckled a little, "enough chit chatting, there is a map in this flash, you will follow it and it will lead you to your mate but you have to come alone or else I will have my men kill her. So came alone! No army just you and yourself." the screen went black.

"What will we do Alpha?"

"We do as he says, I will go alone"

Jay be Crazy, who saw this coming raise them hands.✋✋✋✋✋

LOL. Any who, I have more surprises for you on the next chapter, Will you love it, Idk who knows.

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