It finally comes to me all at once

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Ashton and I ran for a while. He kept looking at me everyone so often. I just smiled. After a while we stopped and walked through the park. Ashton walked at my past which was quiet slow. "How are you feeling?" Ashton asked looking at me, I smiled a little "Okay, can we sit down please?" Ashton nodded "Sure" I felt sick. We sat down and I leant forward, what was happening now? I better not throw up. We sat there and Ashton rubbed my back. My head throbbed, I sat up I didn't feel sick now. It was my head. I tilted my head back and rest my palm on my forehead. "You okay?" Ashton asked really concerned "I have a really sore head" I said leaning back, "Has it happened this bad before" He asked pilling out his phone. I shock my head. Ashton said "Im going to call Luke to come pick us up!" Grabbing his phone. "No, I'm fine" I said hitting the phone not wanting to make Luke panic about something which wont turn out to me a big deal. Ashton nodded and faced me. I head felt as though someone had dropped a bowling ball on it. The weight if the ball made my head sink in. The pain shot through my head like a lightning bolt. I tired closing my eyes tightly but the pain got even worse. Flashing Images of children flashed through my head. What was happening.

'Children ran around as I sat there all alone. My lunch box only had an apple in it which I didn't want. I decided to go and play. My little legs ran across the field over to the climbing frame. I tried to reach up and grab the bar. I was to small, I sunk into the ground crying. Why am I so small? I sat there and sobbed while everyone around me had fun. I hate being the new kid. I have no friends. I stood up and ran across the playground over to my lunch box. I was hungry now. I open my lunch box to eat my apple. It wasn't there. I cry again. This day sucks! One of my teachers came over to me "Whats wrong Mackenzie?" She said sitting down next to me. I cried even more. "Someone ate my apple!" I screamed. My teacher Miss Mills held my hand "Come with me" She said and picked up my lunch box. As we walked a boy looked at me and smiled. I had a big frown on my face but I smiled back to him. Miss Mills took me to her classroom and gave me some biscuits. I sat there and ate them. Once I had finished I gave my teacher A hug and went outside to play. I was playing with a hula hoop and the boy that smiled at me came up to me. "Hi" He said looking at me smiling, I smiled back "Hi!" He might want to be my friend I thought to myself "Im Michael I'm 6!" He said holding up six fingers, he spat a little when he said six but I didn't care because he was cool. I smiled "Im Mackenzie and Im six too!" I said smiling. Michael his name was, he smiled. "Im sorry, I ate your apple. I didn't have any lunch. Do you forgive me?" he asked with puppy dog eyes, I smiled "I forgive you, I don't like apples" He smiled "You want to be my best friend?" He asked pointing his thumbs towards himself. I smiled "Sure" The bell rang. "Class time!" He screamed running towards Miss Mills class. He is in my class. Cool! I ran after him into the classroom. Miss Mills sat at her desk. Michael saw me and ran up to me and held my hand "Sit with me" He said leading me onto the mat. "Okay best friend!" I said smiling, I didn't have my front teeth. Michael only had one front tooth but his was growing mine wasn't. We sat on the mat and Miss Mills read a story. Once the story had finished we got to do drawings. I did mine of Michael and he did his of me. We gave our drawing to each other. At the end if the day Michael and I walked home together. Michael smiled "This is my home" He gave me a long hug "I have to go inside now. Ill see you tomorrow best friend" He said smiling his one tooth showing "Bye Michael, Ill see you at school!" I waved and he ran inside. He waved before he shut the door behind him. I got home and Mum was in the kitchen "How was your day sweetie pie?" She asked getting cookies out if the oven. "Cookies!" I screamed "I made a best friend. Can I take him a cookie tomorrow?" I asked smiling. "You sure can" My mum smiled "Whats your best friends name?" She asked scooping the cookies off the tray. I smiled "Michael" She smiled "Thats a cool name" I smiled to, he is cool.'

I looked at Ashton who looked at me crying "You okay? I called Luke he's coming to pick us up" I squinted my eyes and took a depth breath "What just happened?" Ashton shrugged his shoulders "You feel into a sleep kind if thing" I nodded "I just had a flashback" Ashton hugged me "Its okay, Luke will be here soon" I nodded sobbing into Ashton's shoulder. We sat there like that until Luke came. He ran over to us "Mackenzie" He said grabbing me in his arms and hugging me close. I smiled slightly fighting back the pain "Are you okay? What happened?" He said sitting down next me and Ashton. "I had a flashback to my first day of school I think" I said shaking my head slowly, Luke and Ashton looked at each other. "Lets get you home to rest up" Luke said putting his hand out. I held it tight all the way till we got to the car.

Amnesia | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now