Chapter 2

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Seth's POV

We went to IHOP and sat down. I ordered pancakes and Becky ordered Crepe. "Damn. I forgot to ask for a drink." Becky sighed. "Well, why don't you go ask for one?" Suddenly Becky's phone rang. "Ugh it's Luke. Can you get the drinks?" "sure, what would you like?" I asked. "hm.. anything is fine." And with that Becky walked away. I hate Luke. Becky told me all about Luke and her forced relationship with him. But she never told me why they have a forced relationship. She says that he doesn't even treat her right. She also told me that she loves someone else.

How I would kill for that person to be me. I liked her ever since we met. But when I was about to ask her out, she started telling me about all the things I just said about Luke. It's killing me that she's not with the person she loves. But it also kills me that the person she loves possibly won't be me.. I sigh and call for a waitress to ask for some drinks.

Becky's POV

"What do you want Luke?"

"Where are you??"

"Why do you care?"

"Uh because I'm your boyfriend duh.
And it's our 3 year anniversary, so I
wanna take you somewhere for breakfast."

"Ok 1. This is a forced relationship so we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but I don't want to to cute and cheesy things with you. And 2. I'm already having breakfast with my friend."

"where are you having breakfast
and who are you having it with?"

"Like I said earlier, why do you care?"

"Its Seth isn't it? Ugh why do you always hangout with that awkward bitch?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth. And what if it is Seth huh? What are you gonna do about it??"

"May I remind you that I can take your parents company and burn it to the ground."

Damn it. He can. "Ugh fine. I'm at IHOP, with him."

"You hangout with him so much it's like he's the only person you hang out with. I'm going to IHOP to get you"


Ugh too late. He hung up. I walked back into IHOP and see Seth waiting for me with the food. I call for a waitress. "Uhm can we get this food to go?" "Of course miss. Let me go get the check and some boxes for your food." The waitress went to grab containers.

"Hey what's wrong Beck?" "Luke is coming here to pick me up. I told him that we were already having breakfast together. And I was about to tell him to not come, but he hung up on me. No hard feelings..?" "Of course Becky. I would never be mad at you.."

Seth's POV

I'm mad at your dumb "boyfriend" who doesn't deserve you. We got the food all packed up, payed the waitress and I took the food. Then Luke walked into the diner. "C'mon Becky. Let's go." She sighs "bye Seth.." "bye Beck.." Becky walks out with Luke, and just like that the girl of my dreams got taken away..again..

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