Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

They shortly arrived at Becky's apartment building. Becky got out of the car first then helped Seth. They went in, and got into an elevator. Soon, they were at Becky's apartment. She opened the door, and put Seth on her bed. "Wait here. I'm going to get a first aid kit." "It's not like I can go anywhere.." Becky left the room and came back with a first aid kit. "Hold still." Becky cleaned up blood that was on Seth's face and knee, and put some band-aids on him.

"Want a drink?" "Sure, can I get some water?" "Sure, I'll be right back with your water"

Seth's POV

I relaxed a little bit, and heard Becky's phone ding. I didn't want to invade her privacy, but "accidentally"  looked. I looked over to see her notification, and it was Luke texting her.. I decided to play dumb and pretend that I didn't know who it was.

Becky came back with a glass of water. "Here" "Thanks, oh and someone texted ya." "Really?" Becky picked up her phone. "Ugh it's Luke. He's said..happy 3 year anniversary??" "What? Something's up, why is he trying to sound all innocent?" "I don't know, let me ask." She starts typing. "He's calling, what do I do??" "Oh, uhm answer it, and put it on speaker. And I won't speak." "Ok" Becky answered the phone.


"Becky!! I'm so glad you answered!!"

"Cut to the crap Luke. Why are you acting so innocent?"

"Oh, well I just feel bad about how we ended things outside of IHOP."


"I acted like a foolish baby. Will you forgive me?"

"Hm, well you kinda acted like a foolish toddler. Baby's can't really talk."

I almost started laughing when Becky said that.

"Oh..ok? But will you ever forgive me?"

"Hm, well you see-"

"You know what, I'm going over to your apartment. Cya."

"Oh!! Uhh that's not needed-"

"Damn it! He has to stop doing that! I hate when he ends the call while I'm trying to say something!!" "So what are we gonna do??" "You gotta go!! I call you, so you can hear the whole conversation. And I'll set up a camera in case he does anything he isn't supposed to do." "Ok." I put the glass of water down, took my things and left. After I got to my car I called Becky.

"Everything good?"

"Yup, you should know, you left 5 minutes ago."

"I'm talking about the cameras and stuff!!"

"Oh! Yeah."

"Ok I'm driving off now, I see him coming out of his car, he's here. Stay safe."



Becky's POV

I put my phone in my pocket, so Seth could hear the whole conversation. It felt like I was waiting for hours. I sat down and tried to relax. Then I heard knocking. I got up, and walked to the door. I took 3 deep breaths then opened the door. "Hi Luke. Come in.."

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