Chapter 9

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Becky's POV

I waited for Charlotte, so Seth could pick us up. I saw her in the distance so I waved to her.

"Hey Becky!"
"Hey Charlotte!!"
"So, what are we waiting for? C'mon!! I'll call an ober."
"No need, I already got us someone to drive us."

A car pulls up and it's Seth.

"Get it losers we're going shopping."

Me and Charlotte started laughing, then got in the car.

"Seth, this is Charlotte My best friend."
"Still offended. I thought I was your best friend."
"You tryna steal my bestie huh?"
"Are you tryna steal my bestie??"
"Aww hell nah! She's my bestie!!"

Becky started laughing "Ok stop.
You both are my best friends."
"But who do you like more??"
"Seth, stopp. I like you both equally. Ok?"

We arrived at the Mall. Me and Charlotte started thinking of places to go first, while Seth pulled out his phone, and started going on it. Then, I saw.. Luke. He saw me almost instantly and ran up to me.

"Becky!! What are you doing here? I thought you had plans."
"Yeah. I have plans with my friends."
Luke finally notices Seth and Charlotte.
"Oh. But it's still great to see you!!"

Luke tried to hug me, but Seth got off his phone, and stepped in front of me and Charlotte.

"Back up bud."
"What are you, their body guard? "
"Yes. Yes I am. So back the hell up."
"Tryna have a round 2?"
"Heh. Depends, you wanna get beat up again?"
"Why you-"
"Hey!! Stop. C'mon Charlotte. Seth."
I can see Seth glare at Luke.

Hours later..
3rd person POV

After hours of shopping Becky and Charlotte were finally done shopping. Seth feels like he wants to die.

"Wow. We were in the Mall for 4 hours."
"Damn. But we barely bought anything. Like we both are carrying 3 bags each."
"Because I'm carrying the rest."

Charlotte and Becky look back at Seth, and see him holding about 5-6 bags.

"Omg pfffft sorry Seth."
"I can feel myself dying in clothes."
"Well. You came with us."
"You told me to."
"Yeah. But you agreed."
"You're gonna break my car with all these clothes."
"How so?"
"I'm gonna have 4 flat tires."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. It's not that many clothes."
"You guys spent over $250. I can hear your wallets crying."
"Pish posh Seth. Can you just drive us home?"

All 3 of them got in the car, and put the clothes in the trunk. Then they drive to Charlotte's house. Charlotte gets out the car and grabs the things she bought.

"Bye Charlotte!!"
"Bye Beckyyy!!"

Then they drive to Becky's house.

"Bye Becky."
"Bye Blondie."
"Girl!! Fight me."
They both stare at each other then Becky smiled.
And Becky walked away.
Seth drove away, and went home.

Luke's POV

After what happened at the Mall, I decided to go home. I called my driver and went home.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!!"
Shit. They sound mad. What did I do this time..

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