Chapter 17

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Seth's POV

What was only 30 minutes felt like hours and hours of waiting. What is going on in there? I feel my heart pounding. I can't sit down. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I go to the men's bathroom to cool off. I splash some water in my face, and I calm down. I go back out, and see Becky. I go over to her.

"Hey Beck, how'd it go?"
"It went great!!"
She can't stop smiling, it's adorable.
"I can't believe we're having- oh I can't tell you."
"Yeah, c'mon. Let's go home. I feel really stressed."

2 months later
3rd Person POV

Seth took a deep breath, and put on a bright pink shirt, and he went downstairs. (he put on a pink shirt because he thinks their having a girl. If he thought it was a boy, he would wear blue. That's the dress code for the gender reveal.)

Seth went to the backyard, and saw tons of people. He looks to the right, and sees Becky, talking to Paige Charlotte, and Renee. He walks over to Becky, and hugs her from behind.

(S.) "Hey beautiful."
Becky smiled.
(P. C. R.) "Awwwww"
(B.) "Stop. Hey Seth."
(S.) "Whatcha doing besides looking cute?"
(P. C. R.) "AWWWW"
(B.) "Talking to a cute guy named Seth Rollins."
Seth laughed a little.
(S.)  "The party looks great. Just like you.."
(R.) "GIRL!! Where can I snatch a boy like Seth!"
(B.) "No where. This one is one of a kind."
(P.) "Killing me. You're honestly killing me."
(S.) "I'm gonna say hi to the other guests. Later Pumpkin!!
(B.) "Cya Blondie."
Seth rolls his eyes and walks away.
(P.) "Pumpkin? Why pumpkin?"
(B.) "Because my hair is orange."
(C.) "Pfffft!! Hahaha I'm sorry it's just hahaha!"
(B.) "I hate you Charlotte."
(R.) "Why did you call him Blondie though?"
(B.) "Because his hair was half blond
before. Plus it really suits him."
(C.) "Lmao ok."

Seth's POV

I talked to some other people, and I go over to the other side of the yard. Then I see my parents. I go over to them.

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad."
"Hey sport."
"Hi honey, how have you been?"
"Great mom."
"Seth, I was told that you got someone pregnant. Who's the girl?"
"Dad, she's over there."
I pointed at Becky, it was obvious where she was, because she's the only one with orange hair.
"I told you honey."
"What are you both talking about?"
"When me and your father was told that you were having a gender reveal party, I said that Becky was the one you got pregnant."
"I said it was Sarah."
"Sarah?? My ex from like 4-5 years ago Sarah??"
"Honestly I thought you guys got back together."
"I told him that you guys were 1000% not gonna work out."
"Ok..y'all are weird. "
I glance at my watch.
"Shit. It's almost time."
"Hey watch your mouth!!"
"Mom, I'm 25. Calm down."

I walk over to Becky, and take her hand.
"Becky. It's time."
"But I want more food.."
"No time."
I start dragging her.
"Aye aye aye!! I have you child or children inside me! Stop dragging me!!"
"Oops, sorry."
We walk to the middle of the yard.

"Attention Everyone!! We are about to the gender reveal!"

Everyone stops what they're doing and starts looking at me and Beck.

Becky go's inside the house, and comes out with a box that says 'Boy Or Girl?'

"We open the box in 3."

The balloons flew into the air, and everyone could see that we were having a girl. I knew it. But, Becky goes back inside, and comes out with 2 more boxes.

"Beck. What's with the 2 other boxes?"
"Remember what I told you yesterday?"


"So, there will be a box, and the box shows the baby gender."

End of Flashback

"Oh my god we're having triplets!?!?"
"Yes sir."
I couldn't stop smiling, and I hugged Becky. Everyone was cheering.

"Let's both open a box."


We opened the boxes, and more pink balloons came out.

"Heh, calm down Seth."
"I'm sorry I'm just so excited. We're gonna have triplets, and it's all happening so fast. I swear I'm gonna faint-"
Becky kisses me.
"You babble too much."
"Heh. I love you Pumpkin."
"I love you too."

Hi, I hope you liked this Chapter. I said that this was the last chapter, but I'm actually gonna make 1 more chapter heh. Sorry..? It's gonna be published tomorrow. I think. Sorry for any errors. Till then, Toodless~~

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