Chapter 10

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"Mom!! Dad!! I'm home!"

Shit. They sound mad. What did I do this time..

Luke's POV

I over to my parents,  And my dad looks mad..

"Luke!! Really?? Slapping Becky in public!?!? You know how bad this could ruin my reputation!?!!? Frankly, I don't care what you do to her, but never. Ever. Do it in public. That will cause drama, and pull down my reputation."
"Honey. Stop thinking about your reputation. Think about Becky, she was hurt, and publicly humiliated."
"You honestly think I care!?!"
"Dad. Calm down. How do you even know about that?"
"ITS ON THE NEWS LUKE!! ITS THE TOP THING RIGHT NOW!! '22 year old Luke Mitchells abuses his girlfriend' THATS ALL I HEAR!! You're so selfish. Making everything about you."
Then, he slapped me.
"Andy Mitchells!! Are you insane?!?!"
My mom slapped my dad, then stormed out.
"Ugh. Look what you did Luke. HONEY!!"

He walked off to find my mom. God I hate it here, I hate my father. I walk upstairs, and go to my room.

The next day..
Seth's POV

It was 6:15, and I was sleeping like an Angel, but then I get woken up by my phone. I hear a loud ass ding and I wake up. It's Becky? She says 'watch the News ;)'. So I get up, brush my teeth, and go downstairs, not even bothering to shower or change yet.

I sat down on my couch, open the tv, and change the channel to the News.
(What it said on the tv)

BREAKING NEWS: We have more information about the scene with 22 year old Luke Mitchells.

"Hello everyone. So everyone has heard of the 'incident' that happened with Luke Mitchells. Today, we have his girlfriend with us."
"So sweetheart, what's your name?"
"My name is Rebecca, but people call my Becky."
"Ok, Becky why are you here today?"
"Well, I have a video I want to show the world. The video was secretly recorded in my apartment. The time was later that day of the incident."
"Well let's have a look shall we?"
(They played the video)

"Oh god.."
"Well, now we know the real Luke. Who's Seth?"
"Seth is my best friend."
"Oh. Did you both plan that night out?"
"Sorta. We both knew that he was gonna try something he wasn't supposed to do."
"Oh. Ok. Well we'll be back."

She actually did it. Now everyone knows the real Luke FINALLY!! I get a phone call, and it's Becky.

"Hey Becks!"

"Hey did you watch the News?"

"Yeah. Now everyone knows the real Luke."


"You wanna come over?"

"Sure, can you pick me up? I'm too lazy to call another ober."

"Bruh. Ok I'll see you in a bit."



I go upstairs, and I go shower, and change. I went back downstairs, and put on my shoes. I walk out the door, then lock it. I get in my car and drive to go pick up Becky.

Fast forward. Seth and Becky are at Seth's place

"So what do you wanna do?"
"Go get frozen yogurt?"
"But I don't wanna drive again.."
"You don't. There's a Frozen yogurt place 2-3 blocks away."
"And you're telling me this now!?! Let's go!!"

I grab her arm and drag her out the door I lock the door, and we start walking to the fro yo place.

"Seth, stop. You look like an excited little girl."
"Wow. You're so mean."

Becky's POV

We were almost at the fro yo place, when suddenly I bumped into someone. I wasn't watching where I was going because I was too busy talking to Seth.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"
"Its fine-Becky!?!?"
"How do you know my name-" I look up. "Luke..??"
"I saw the News. I cant believe you!!"
Oh shoot, here we go again. Making another scene.

"Well it's your fault!! You did all that crap! I'm just showing the world the real you!!"
Ugh. Yet again people are taking their phones out and staring
"Why. Just why. WHY NOW HUH BECK?? TELL ME!!"
I pointed at Seth.
"Becky, is there something you wanna tell me?"


A/N: Almost the end, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm sorry if I made a lot of errors. I'm really in a rush. So I quickly wrote this

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