Chapter 16

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(C.) "Becky.."
(R.) "Oh my god.."
(B.) "What??"

End of flashback
No one's POV

The girls start crying. (Tears of joy)

(B.) "I honestly don't know if I
should be happy or sad oh my gosh!!"
(C.) "If Seth shows his face Ima wack
him for making you pregnant!"
(B.) "Dont do that, I asked him."
(C. R. P.) "Wha???"
(B.) "Heh. Yeah, I wanted to be a mom.. I always pass by parks, and there's a kid running to their mom. It's so cute, and I want that.."
(R.) "'re gonna be a great mom."

The girls heard the door opening, so the peak their heads out the bathroom. It was Seth.

(S.) "Hey bitch, wanna go shopping...what
are y'all doin on the bathroom floor??"
(C.) "YOU!!"
(S.) "Me??"
Becky covered Charlotte's mouth with her hand.
(B.) "Now now Charlotte, let's not expose anything just yet."
(S.) "Uhh..can get some answers?"
(B.) "Hm.. How do you tell someone that you're pregnant?"
(S.) "Wait what..?"
(R.) "Like that."
(S.) "You're pregnant oh my god!!
Seth picked Becky up, and twirled her around. Then hugged her.
(S.) "We're gonna be parents!!"
(P.) "Well, we're gonna leave you to alone, and yeah."
The 3 girls left, and left Seth and Becky.
They both sat on Becky's bed.
"There's a lot of stuff going on Beck. What do we do first?"
"How about we start picking names?"
2 hours later.
"So we agree?"
"Ok. What do we do now?"
"I honestly don't know."
"We'll figure it out."
2-3 months later

Seth runs down the stairs, and puts his shoes on.
"Lets go."
They both walk out the front door, and go to thier car.

(Seth and Becky live together. Becky moved out of the apartment, and into Seth's house. Because Becky is pregnant, they thought it would be easier to live together.)

They go to the doctors and wait in the waiting room.

Becky's POV

"So Seth, what do we do now?"
"Well, we wait. But do we wanna know about the genders?"
"How about I figure out the genders, and you figure it out in the gender reveal."
"Sounds great to me. I can't wait!!"
(Nurse): "Becky. We're ready for you.

I take a deep breath, and smile at Seth. I walk into the room.

(Doctor) : Hi Becky, how are you today?"
"I'm good."
(Doctor): "Great. Well get started shortly. Would you like you know the genders?"
"Uh yes."
(Doctor): "Wonderful."
She starts the process, and I look at the screen.
(Doctor): "ok, if you look, you can see 3 heads. Congrats, you have triplets!"
"Really!?!? Oh my gosh that's amazing!! What about the genders?"
(Doctor): "3 girls."
"Oh my gosh!! That's..I'm a loss of words."
(Doctor): "A lot of women are when they find out."
"Thank you Doc."
(Doctor): "You're welcome. You may leave now."

Sorry for not updating the story in a while. I got homework. Bu it's the weekend so. I got time. The next chapter is the last chapter. Then I'm gonna start a new story. Sorry for any errors. Till then. Toodlesss~~

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