Chapter 14

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"I can't believe you don't trust me."
"I ruined everything. I fucking ruined everything."

End of Flashback
Seth's POV

I help Ana into the car, then got in the car. I started the car and drove off.

"So Ana, where do you wanna go?"
"What happened to you and Auntie Becky?"
"Oh..nothing's wrong Ana, I thought you were bored or hungry."
"Oh. Well I am really hungry. Can we go to McDonald's??"
"Sure Ana!"

I drove to McDonald's, and stopped the car. I got out, then helped Ana. We walked into McDonald's, and I get her a happy meal. We sat down, and Ana started eating. I look at my phone, and realized I turned my phone on silent. Because there were 20  missed calls and 30 text massages from Becky.

I looked at them, and it felt like I had to read a million texts. Then I get a phone call. I answer it.

"Hey Mrs. Rogers"

"Hey Seth, how's Ana?"

"She's great! She's eating right now. Ana, say Hi to Mommy."

"Hi Mommy!!"

"Oh that's wonderful. Me and Tom are
finally free, so if you could just drop off
Ana that would be great."

"Sure, when Ana is done eating I'll drop her off."

"Thanks. See you then."


I end the call.
"Ana, you done eating?"
"Great. Wipe your hands."
I gave her a napkin.
We walk out, and I drive her to her house. I get out the car and helped Ana out. Mr and Mrs Rogers were outside waiting. Ana runs toward them.

"Ana!! Thanks again Seth for babysitting."
"No problem. Anytime. Bye Mr and Mrs Rogers."
"Bye Sethhhhh!! Tell Auntie Becky I said hi, she seems nice!"
"Bye Ana, ill be sure to tell her that."
I get in my car, and drove off. Now time to deal with the Becky problem.

Becky's POV

(B.) "God he's not answering!! I swear
Charlotte, I am never asking you for advice."
(C.) "Probably for the best."
(R.) "Ok ok ok. Let's try to calm down. It's
Seth. He's nice and forgiving. He knows you
made a mistake. But he loves you."
(B.) "I need to get more advice from you. Have you always been this wise?"
(P.) "Sadly yes. She's correct 90% of the time."
(B.) "He texted me..HE JUST TEXTED ME!!"

(B.) " uhh ok. he said 'are you still over at my house, I wanna talk.' "
(C.) "Omg girl say yes!!"
(B.)hmm. I don't think I can trust you anymore. Renee?
(R.) "pfft. say yes. obviously."
(C.) "see, I can be right sometimes."
(B.) " ok. He said 'ok, stay there.' "
(P.) "if they're gonna talk, shouldn't we leave?"
(C.) "obviously, but we're not going to.
I need the tea, the scoop, the d r a m a."
(P.) "wow. ok then."

3rd person POV

About 10 minutes later, Becky and the rest of the girls hear the door start to open.

(C.) "ok everyone shut up!!"

The door opens, and it's Seth.(as expected)

(B.) "Seth,  I'm so glad you're here. Listen I-"

Seth pinned Becky against the wall, and kissed her.

(P.) "See. I told you we should've left."
(C.) "Eh, i don't really care."

Seth pulled away from Becky, and looked back to see the 3 girls.

(R.) "oop- we busted."
(P.) "Yeah..let's leave before things get more awkward."
(R. And C.) "Agree."

The 3 girls walked out of the house and Seth grabbed Becky's hand and pulled her onto the couch.

"So..I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I was kinda dramatic. I mean, you do have a reason to be mad. I don't."
"Well, I jumped into conclusion too quick. So you do have a reason. I mean, you could've just told me that was your cousin."
"Yeah. Sorry for being an asshole."
"It's fine. Sorry for being dramatic."
Becky hugged Seth.

"By the way, where is Lucy?"
"Oh, I fed her before you came in and
pinned me against the wall."
"Heh. Sorry about that. I just wanted to make an entrance."
"You really are dramatic."
"But you gotta deal with it, because I'm your boyfriend."
Seth sticks his tongue out.
"I'm your baby."
"Omg stopp!"
"No." Seth smiled.
"I hate you."
"I love you too Beck."
Becky walked away.
"Hey where are you going!! You're so mean."
Seth followed Becky.
"Why you so clingy?"
"Cause I know you love it."
"You love me."
"I do?"
Seth gasps.
Becky starts laughing.
"Fine I love you knuckle head."


A/N:This chapter is a little longer than the others, so I'm very very lazy to check if it has errors. So if it does. Oops. I'm sorry. Have a good whatever time you are reading this. And I hope you liked the Chapter. 

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