Chapter 12

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3 months later
Seth's POV

I woke up, feeling like I forgot something. I swear its on the tip of my tongue.. OH SHIT Becky's birthday!! I'm such an idiot!! I jump out of bed, and I did what I always do in the morning. After about 15 minutes I run downstairs with a black and shirt, and black jeans. I put my shoes on and get in the car.

I went to the Mall, and sat down. Hmmm what is a great present for Becky??

(Flashback 1 month ago)

Seth and Becky were passing by the passing by the pet store, when Becky stopped to look at the cute little puppies.
"Awww Seth look!! They're so cuteee!!!"
"I want one of those one day. I'll name him or her Fluffy. And the dog has to be fluffy. Unless the name wouldn't make sense"
"Hm. I'll keep that in mind. Hey, I promise we will get one of those one day."
"Pinky promise??"
"Yes! Until then. I'll just stare at these cute little animals."

(End of flashback)

This is a great time to get her a doggo!! I start the car, and drove off. That's right. Fuck breakfast. For today. I get into my car, and start it. I start driving to the nearest pet store.

Then, my phone started started ringing. Shit.. it's Becky.. I can't tell her where I'm going. But I can't not answer the call.. Fuck it. I answered it.

"H-hey Becks"

"Hey Seth, why do you sound so nervous?"

"Oh nothing... I just uhh gotta do some things. And uh I'll call you back."

"But- ok.. cya later"


I ended the call. DAMN. That was the hardest thing to do in my life. I parked my car, and walked into the pet store.

"Hi, I would like to adopt a dog please."
"Ok sir, please come with me to look at the dogs."
We went to the back, and the first thing I see is a cute small fluffy dog.
"Who's that one?" I pointed to the fluffy dog.
"Oh that is Lucy. She is 2 years old, and she's a Pomeranian."
"I'd like to adopt her please."
"Ok, I'll grab the adoption papers."
I stared at the cute white dog, and I knew Becky would love it.

Becky's POV

I was at the Mall with Charlotte, Renee, and Pagie, and they heard the whole conversation.

(C.) "Damn, what is wrong with that boy."
(P.) "I know right. Something is wrong."
(R.) "Guys calm down. It's probably nothing.
Becky, don't listen to them. They're just over thinking it."
(B.) "God Renee, I hope you're right.."
(C.) "Renee Renee Renee. You've got it all wrong. We're not over thinking. You're under thinking."
(R.) "Shut up, no I'm not."
(B.) Girls, can we please stop the fighting?
It's my birthday. I wanna have a good time."
(C.) "Fine."
(R.) "Only for you girl."


(B.) "Girls I can't do this.. I need to know if something's up.."
(C.) "See Renee? Under thinking. Go ahead Becky. Call him."
Renee rolls her eyes, and I call Seth.
(B.) "It's ringing."

"Hey Becky, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to know
why you were acting so weird earlier."

"Oh forget about that. That doesn't matter."

"Are you sure? I can come over."



(???) "Seth Seth Seth!! I- who are you calling?"
"Oh no one. Becky I'll call you back."

(B.) "He..he..I.."
(P.) "Oh Becky.."

A wave of sadness hit, and Paige, Charlotte, and Renee circled around me. why did he do this...?

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