Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

We walked out of IHOP and stopped at the end of the corner, waiting for the cars to pass by. "So, where are we going..?" "Nowhere" I said then pulling out my phone. "What? You said that you were taking me somewhere-" "yeah Becky, but I lied." "why the hell did you lie!?!?" I can feel that we're about to make a scene. I put away my phone.

"Because you hang around that awkward bitch too much!!" "HEY WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU BEFORE! WATCH YOUR MOUTH BITCH!!" "EXCUSE ME!?!?" people started stopping and looking at us. "I had ENOUGH of your bull shit!!" "Hey young lady you better close your mouth before I do something that could ruin your life!!"

I could feel more people stop and stare at us. Some people even took out their phone.

Seth's POV

I saw people stopping and staring and something. A couple of people were filming so I went to check it out from myself. I gabbed the food and walked out, seeing..Becky? ..and Luke. I didn't add myself to the scene, I just watched.

Luke and Becky were walking away when suddenly Becky mumbles something. "I can't believe I ever agreed to date you.." oho damn.."WHAT WAS THAT!!?" I could hear the anger in his tone. Suddenly..WHAT THE FUCK!!? HE SLAPPED HER!!

She fell straight on the ground and held the left side of her face. I heard people gasping and making noises like "ooo" and having different exceptions. I couldn't sit back and watch with a rage of anger build in me. I dropped the food and I added myself into the scene.

Becky's POV

He..he slapped me.. by the change of look on his Luke's face, I know he knows he made a huge mistake. "Uhhh.. oh my gosh Becky!! Are you ok?? I'm so sorry!!" He extended his hand to help me up. I chose to ignore it. I look behind him and I see Seth?? He looks angry.

3rd Person POV

Seth pushed Luke out of the way and extended his hand for Becky. She took his hand and got up. Luke pushed Seth almost making him fall. "What the he'll is your problem man??!? She my girlfriend." Seth pushes him back. "What's your problem man?? She's not just an item you can do whatever to. She's an actual person!!"

Everyone started nodding and agreeing with Seth. Some even started yelling "yeah!". Though Luke already made a fool out of himself, he decided to take it a step further. Luke punches Seth. Becky backed away a little in shock and disbelief. Seth stared at him also in disbelief. Then he suddenly pounced onto Luke and everyone started doing more gasps and making more shocked faces.

It was an all out brawl, and Becky was shouting at both of them to stop. Having enough of this shit, Becky stepped in between them and they both stopped, not wanting to hit Becky. (A/N: even though Luke already did-) Becky rushed over to Seth's side asking if he was ok. "Really Becky?? You choose him over me?? Whatever.." then Luke walked away limping.

Seth and Becky started walking towards his car. Everyone started walking away and whispering to each other. Becky put Seth in the passenger seat and sat in the driver's seat. "Hand me your keys." Seth did so. "Are you driving?" "Obviously Sherlock."

Seth starts putting on his seat  belt and took out his phone. "Who you calling?" "No one. I'm putting 911 on speed dial. I know I got hurt in the fight, but you driving could end my life." Becky laughed sarcastically. "Ha ha. Very funny. No time for jokes." Becky started the car and started driving. "Where we going?" "My apartment." "Oh ok" Seth said then drifting to sleep.

A/N: me realizing now about the food, such a waste 😔

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