Chapter 13

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"Oh Becky.."

I started crying, and Paige, Charlotte, and Renee circled around me.

End of Flashback
Seth's POV

"Ana, I told you, when I'm on the phone, you can't interfere."
"Sorry Seth.."
"It's fine Ana. What did you want to ask?"
"Im bored, can we go to the park??"
"Sorry Ana, I have to watch the dog. You wanna play with my phone?"

I give her my phone, and she runs off with it. Ana is my cousin. She's 6 years old, and no one was free to babysit. So I offered. But now that I think about it, it sounds kinda bad how the call ended. It sounded like.. HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS WHAT IF SHE THINKS I'M CHEATING- ..probably not, she trust me. I run upstairs and try to find Ana.

"Ana?? Where are you??"
I run to the other room, to see a sad 6 year old on the floor.
"Sethhh the phone won't open!!!"
"Sh-golly, the phone died. Sorry Ana."
"It's ok Seth. I'm hungry!!"
"Why don't I go get you some food?"
I charge my phone, and go downstairs with Ana. Completely forgetting about Becky. We go to the kitchen.
"Ok, hmm lets see what do you wanna eat?"

3 hours later
Becky's POV

Its been about 3 hours since what happened. I'm at my apartment, still with the 3 girls.

(B.) "I..I just don't understand why he would cheat.. Am i not good enough??"
(P.) "Becky, of course you are."
(C.) "He doesn't deserve you!"
(B.) "After all we've been through together..
he told me he loved me and he'll never stop.."
(R.) "Shh. It's gonna be ok." She starts patting my back.
(C.) "Yeah Beck. You don't need him."
I start crying.
(B.) He would always call me
Beck..I loved it..and I love him.."
(C.) "We need to go over there and give you a
piece of your mind. Whose in?"
(P.) "Me."
(R.) "For Becky."

At Seth's house/door

(P.) "Do we knock?"
(B.) "No. I have a key."

3rd Person POV

Seth was sitting on the couch, when he heard the door knob opening. 'Who the hell..' he thought. He stood up, and dialed 911. But didn't call. The door went flying open, and Becky walks in.

"Oh Becky, it's just you." Seth closed his phone.
"Wait, Becky. You can't be here right now."
"Why huh? What are you hiding Seth freakin Rollins?!?"
"Calm down. Well, sense you're here, I guess I'll tell ya. I-"
"I know what you did asshole!!"
She slapped Seth.
"I can't believe you cheated on me!!"
"Thats...what..I got you a dog."
Lucy came out of nowhere, and Seth picks her up.
"T-then who did I hear on the phone..?"
Ana came running down the stairs.
"Yes Seth?"
"This is Becky, the girl I was in a call with.
Becky this is Ana. My 6 year old cousin."
"Hi Auntie Becky!! I'm sorry I interrupted your call."
"I-It's fine.."
"I can't believe you don't trust me."
"Wait Seth-"
Seth puts the dog down, and walks to the door
"C'mon Ana!! We're gonna go out!!"
"Ok!! Let me put on my shoes."
Ana and Seth walked out the door, not even bothering to glance over to Charlotte, Paige, and Renee.
The 3 girls walked in the door, and hugged Becky.
(P.) "Becky.."
Becky started crying.
"I ruined everything..I fucking ruined everything.."

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