Chapter 18

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Recap of what happened last chapter. 

Seth and Becky were announcing the gender(s) of their baby(s). Seth was surprised that they were having triplets, and that they were all girls.

4 months later (Becky's due date is in 2 days)

Seth's POV

Me, Becky, Charlotte, Paige, and Renee were having dinner, and I was hella nervous, because today was the day. I wanted to pop the question. God I hope she says yes. If not, I'll look like a fool. I took a deep breath, and stood up.

"Becky would you mind?"

Becky had a very confused look on her face, but took my hand and stood up.

(S.) "Becky, these past few years we were together, I knew you were the person I wanted for the rest of my life. I can't even remember how long we've been together, because every time I'm with you, I lose track of everything. You are the girl of my dreams."

I kneel down.

(S.) "Becky, will you marry me?"
(B.) "Wow..I-I don't know what to say.."
(R.) "I have an idea! SAY YES!!"
(C.) "Take the advice Becky!! She's very wise!!"
(B.) "Yes.. Yes I will!!"

Everyone was cheering in the background. I pick her up, and twirl her around. I couldn't be happier. I put her down, and show her the ring.

(B.) "Oh my god Seth.." 
(S.) "It's beautiful right?"
(B.) "It is, but.. Oh my god I think I'm in labor. SETH THE BABIES ARE COMING!!"
(S.) "What?? Oh god, uhm.. Charlotte, take my wallet, and pay for the check. we're going to the hospital."

I throw my wallet to Charlotte.

(S.) "Meet us at the hospital."
(C.) "Gotcha."

At the hospital

3rd Person POV

Charlotte, Renee and Paige arrive at the hospital, and we see Seth pacing around the seating area.

(S.) "Where have you guys been??"
(P.) "There was a lot of traffic!"
(R.) "How's Becky?"
(S.) "If you call screaming and yelling ok, then she's just fine."
(C.) "Well, lets go to her!!"

They go to Becky's room, and open the door. 
Seth rushed over to Becky's side, and grabbed her hand.

(Doctor) "Keep pushing!!"
Becky pushed.
(B.) "I-I I can't do it!!"
(S.) "Becky. Look at me."
Becky looked at Seth, and Seth looked deep into her eyes.
(S.) "Don't fucking say you can't do this. I know you can. I've seen you pass many things, you can pass this one. Now stop complaining and push!"

Becky nodded, and pushed. Then, everyone in the room heard a faint cry. 

(Doctor) "Would you like to see her?"
(B.) "yes.."
The nurse held the baby in front of Seth and Becky. 
(B.) "She's beautiful.."
(Doctor) "Sorry to interrupt the moment, but you still have 2 more coming. And 1 is coming right now."
(S.) "OK Beck. Remember what I told you."
(C.) "C'mon Becky!! You can do it!!"
Becky looked over to the 3 girls near the door, and smiled widely.

(The babies were born. This is 30 minutes later.)

(C)"What are you gonna name them?"
(B.) "The first one Ari, the second Ella, and the third Olivia."
(R.) "Aww! That's so cute!!"
(S.) "Let's go, Becky and the babies need sleep."

A month later
I hope y'all ain't mad about all the time skips.
Seth's POV

I was waiting for Becky to come down the aisle. I feel so nervous. Becky came down the aisle. She looked like true beauty. She walked until we were face to face. I felt relaxed and at ease.

(Priest) "We are gathered here today to unite these 2 lovely people. Does anyone object? If not then forever hold your peace."

(Priest) "please say your vows."

(Becky) "Seth, you were always the one I loved. I've never loved anyone else as much as I loved you. Every time I was down, you always cheered me up. Whether it's making me laugh, or giving me advice. You were always by my side, and I thank you and love you for doing so."

(Seth) "I had this whole speech prepared, scared and nervous. I swear I couldn't stop shaking. But when I saw you walking down that aisle, looking beautiful, I knew even if I made a mistake you would still love me. Like I love you. I could never live without you because you are the light in my life, and I can't wait to grow old with you and watch out kids grow."

(Priest) "Seth, do you take Becky as your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and through heath and through wealth and through poor?"

(Seth) "I do."

(Priest) "Becky, do you take Seth as your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and through health and through wealth and through poor?"

(Becky) "I do."

(Priest) "May we please get the rings."

Becky and I slipped a ring on each other's finger.

(Priest) "you may now kiss the bride."

I kiss her passionately, and I hear everyone cheering. I finally actually have the girl of my dreams.

1 year later
3rd Person POV

(S.) "Guys!! C'mon!! We're gonna be late for Paige's wedding!!"

Charlotte and Becky came down with Ari, Ella and Olivia.

(B.) "Sorry. Ella wouldn't stop crying."
(C.) "And Ari kept moving. It was hard to put her dress on."
(S.) "Should I pick up Renee?"
(B.) "Yeah. She said she'll be outside her and Paige's house."

Renee's POV

I was waiting for Seth, Becky and Charlotte to pick me up, when this dude with Brown hair passed by, and dropped his wallet.

"Uhm..sir you dropped this."
He looked back, and holy crap he was cute.
??: "Thanks. Where are you going?"
"Friend's wedding."
??: "ahh! Why are you waiting here?"
"Waiting for a friend to pick me up."
??:"oh. Well, as a way of saying thanks, how about I take you out for coffee?"
"Sure. Maybe another time. I'm Renee."
??: "Dean."
I gave him my number, and we talked a little more.

(S.) "RENEE!! Get in!! We're gonna be late. Because of these bimbos."
(C.) "Shut up Seth."
(Dean) "Looks like your friends are here."
(R.) "Heh. Yeah. I'll see ya around."
(D.) "Bye."
(R.) "Bye-"
(R.) "I swear I'm killing her later."
He started laughing.
(D.) "Guess you really love your friends."
(R.) "Sure."
(S.) "C'mon Renee, say goodbye to your boyfriend, and LETS GO."
(R.) "2 of them. Killin' 2 of them. Bye Dean."
(D.) "Later blondie."
He walked away, and I got into the car.

(R.) "I really hate you guys."
(B.) "Sorry for embarrassing you in front of your boyfriend."
(R.) "He's not  my boyfriend. We just met."
(S.) "Let's just go to Paige's wedding."

I hope you liked the last chapter. Since it was the last chapter, I felt like it had to be a little long. Because it's long, (you know me) I didn't check for errors. Cause I'm a lazy bitch 👌. Sorry for the errors. And I just wanna say  thanks for  reading this and enjoying it. I had a fun ass time writing this.

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