Chapter 7

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Seth's POV

We ordered pizza and waited. The pizza arrived, and Becky went to get it. I opened tv and started watching the news.

"You watch the news?"
"well, there are a lot of interesting things they talk about, drama wise."
"hm...ok I wanna watch too."

we stated eating pizza, and then it said breaking news.

(what it says on the tv)

BREAKING NEWS: 22 year old Luke Mitchells, son of  Andy and Linda Mitchells reported abusing his girlfriend, and having a fight with an unknown boy. we'll be coming back with more information.

(they show a video of the whole scene)

"I've never been more embarrassed in my life.."
"Why would you be Beck? It's not your fault, plus its no big deal."
"How is it no big deal?? It's like a huge deal!! My face is on the news, and it was slapped. I'm freaking out.."

She started pacing around the room. Then, we heard Becky's phone ring.

"It's my parents!! They texted my that they just saw the news. What do I do??"
"First, cam down. Then answer it."

She took a deep breathe, and answered the call.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad.."

"Becky are you ok??? Me and your mom are so worried about you!!"

"I'm fine guys. calm down."

"Do you want us to come over?  We can talk about it, and keep you company."

"Nah it's fine. Seth's here."

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Lynch!"

"Wait sweetie, Seth as in the Seth you have a c-"

"HEY OK!! ENOUGH TALKING!! Is that all?"

"Oh, yeah. Also, I wanted to say sorry, because if that was happening for these past 3 years I would hate me."

"Dad, it's fine. I don't hate you."

"well, ok whatever you say. Stay safe, we love you. Oh, wait could you hand the phone to Seth?"

"you guys are on speaker."

"Oh!! Ok, Seth, protect my daughter. If anything happens to her, I will end your life."

"uh..ok. I wont let you down sir."

"you better not."

"Ok!! Bye mom, bye dad!!!"

"Ok, bye sweetie!!"

She ended the call. 

" Well, that just happened."
"Ugh I'm sorry about my parents, mainly about dad."
"heh, it's fine. I guess I'm your bodyguard."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Hey, I got an idea."

Becky looks at me in confusion, yet in curiosity. 

"You still have that video from yesterday right?"

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