21 ~ Forgive and Forget

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Clementine approached the gates. She smiled, happy to be back at home. Happy to be back with her family. And most importantly, happy to be back with Violet.

Willy was sitting on the watchman tower with his binoculars. He had to set them down from time to time because his arm would soon tire out. He scoped around the trees, his attention soon moving to the walking figure outside the gates. "Huh?" he murmured under his breath. He gasped in realization of Clem's presence. "Clem? You're back!" he said as he scurried down the ladder to open the gates.

"Yeah, I am. For good," she proudly stated with a smile.

"Oh man has it been hell without you. Everyone was scared that you took off, and Violet completely isolated herself from human interaction for a few days."

"I'm really sorry I left. I-I'll explain later, although I doubt I even need to. I really need to speak with Violet."

"Last time I saw her she was in your guys' room. Want me to wake the others?"

"I think they'll get the message that I'm back when they see me tomorrow. No use waking them."

"Okay. Why did you come back so late though? I almost thought you were a walker!"

"Willy, please. I need to talk to Violet."

"Right. Um, welcome home, Clem." She smiled and aimed for the school's doors.

The brunette stood in front of the door that led to the room she shared with her girlfriend. She took a few deep breaths, worrying about how her girlfriend would react. After all, she abandoned Violet for a few days without saying goodbye. How could Vi forgive her for something like that, especially when she's dealt and suffered with it throughout her entire life?

Clementine swallowed her nerves and opened the door, but Violet was missing. She wasn't sleeping in their bed like the girl had expected.
"Violet..?" she whispered. It was dark, so she had to be sure she wasn't missing her.

She slowly closed the door and turned around, confused on where else the blonde could be. Her heart rate began to rise as the girl she was looking for was now gone. She figured if anyone knew where Violet was, it would be Willy, seeming he was on watch duty.

Clementine exited the school at a moderate pace, careful not to wake anyone. Just as she was about to speak to Willy, she looked high in the night sky at the bell tower, where sure enough, she spotted someone dangling their legs over the ledge in the same spot her and Violet first kissed.


Clementine climbed up the bell tower and slowly made her way towards Violet, not wanting to scare her. The closer she moved toward the girl, the more audible the blonde's cries were. Clem's heart shattered, knowing she was the cause of her girlfriend's pain. She was now standing right behind Violet, the girl still unaware of her presence.

Clementine stared at the girl and smiled. Despite the past, seeing her again just brought back so many happy memories of them. "Violet..?" the brunette softly uttered, breaking the silence.

Violet eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat at the familiar voice. She wiped away her tears, embarrassed that Clem had seen her crying. At first she thought she had made up the voice in her head, but once she turned around and saw the brunette, she felt a million emotions all at once. "Clementine?" Violet responded, her voice shaken.

"Violet, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry-"
Clementine's words were interrupted by Violet's body being thrown against hers. Vi threw her arms around the girl and held onto her tenaciously. The brunette could practically feel Violet's heart beating against hers.

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