8 ~ Second Chance

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Clementine started to slowly rise but was pulled back down by Vi. "Clem, can we trust him? People change, and lately that hasn't been good change."

"Jesus is a good man, trust me. He used to help a group and I from before. Saved our lives."

Violet was uncertain of what to think, but she trusted her girlfriend more than anyone. "Alright. Don't let your guard down. I still have your back if he tries anything," the blonde uttered.

"And that's why I love you."

Clementine slowly stood to her feet, a small smile creeping from her face when she scanned the figure. "Jesus, oh my god I can't believe it's you!"

"Good to see you, too," he responded. Jesus moved closer to the brunette, Violet gripping her cleaver even harder, waiting for him to make any sort of move. Deciding it was safe, Louis also stood up and approached the three.

"Holy shit! A knight. Ya know, the people I know refer to me as a ninja. Bet we'd make an awesome team," the boy joked.

"For a ninja, it was pretty easy spotting you in that coat of yours," Jesus smirked. That brought out a laugh from Violet and Clem.

"Jesus, this is Louis, known to joke around a lot more than is good for a person." Louis waved and gave a boyish smile. "And this is, Violet, my girlfriend." Clem turned to her with a radiant smile plastered across her face.

"It's my pleasure to meet you all," Jesus replied.

"It's nice to meet you, too. So people call you Jesus?" Violet questioned.

Jesus lifted his helmet and flaunted his beard. "It's really Paul. My friends call me Jesus."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Vi stated.

"So, who have you been with this whole time? I'm assuming this is your camp?" Clementine asked as she crossed her arms.

"I think you know the guy. Javi. And of course, his family too. This camp was ours. Only needed it for a few days to wait out some walkers."

"J-Javi? He's.. with you? I thought he and his family took off after Richmond became a warzone, and you left for your old group," Clementine uttered with bewilderment.

"Well you know, time went by and we eventually had to meet back up. We have a small community a few miles away from here."

Holy shit... Javi's still around here? It's been years. And Kate? Gabe? They're all.. alive?
The brunette came back to reality. "How have you all been, considering the shit this world is now," she queried, her voice still in disbelief.

"I'm sure you've had your fair share of it. Killing walkers, problematic situations with other groups. I guess that goes for the usual now."

"I hate to interrupt this little reunion, but it's starting to get dark, and walkers seem to be multiplying," Louis mentioned, alerting everyone else. He grasped ahold of Chairles again, ready for round two with him.

"He's right. I should be going. I'll tell Javi and the others you're back. Here, take this," Jesus stated. He handed Clem a walkie-talkie. And just like that, the man with the horse vanished into thin air.

Clementine stood still for a while, not knowing what to think or how to feel. Her old group was still alive and functioning- something she did not expect. "Shit, we got walkers coming. Let's finish them off and head back," Violet informed while running up to a walker and slicing her cleaver in its head and using her foot to kick it off.

Clem came up behind a walker approaching her girlfriend, kicked it down, and stabbed it through the head. Vi smiled and gave her a small nod. After the trio killed the surrounding walkers, they traveled back on the path to the school.

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