Chapter 3

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The following morning, I woke up at the sound of my alarm. Today is the first day of me being engage. I stayed in bed letting that sink in before I face the reality. My mother and Mrs. Florenzo insisted last night that James should pick me up for school and also drop me off at home every damn day. Oh good heavens. How would I explain that to Cole that I won't be needing him to drop me off at home.

Oh my god, Laura!! I need to tell her that she won't need to pick me up today...or any other day for that matter. She'll going to ask for an explanation that's for sure. I dialed her number and after two rings she answered.

"Good morning sunshine, you're early today" she greeted me happily

"Looks like someone had a very nice sleep" I teased her.

"Hmmm. Maybe" I can feel her smiling

"OH MY GOD! Details later!! OK!" I shouted at her. Feeling excited about her new boy toy because I already know that's why she's happy this morning

"Okay.. jeez. Tone it down will you" she laughed. "I'll be there at 8 and we can start the grilling when I picked you up"

"About that.. I won't be needing you to pick me up today because..uhm.. mom's going to drop me off at school. Yeah, she will. So yeah.." I said the last part quickly

"Ohhh. Okay then. We'll talk later, I suppose. See yah!" she said happily

This girl is really happy today, I'll give her that.

"Yeah, bye Laurs"

I hunged up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I showered longer than necessary so I was finished at about 7 and that will give me an hour to do my hair and dress up. I took the blower and dried my hair in front of the mirror. Then, I went to the closet to get some jeans and some white shirt and put my converse. I faced the mirror and put some lip gloss and some mascara. That's the only make-up I can tolerate.

I went downstairs and found my mom preparing sandwiches. That's weird because she knows that Dad and me only eat pancakes at mornings.

"Hi mom" I smiled when I enter the dining room then realized that she's alone

"Where's dad?" I asked confused. We always eat breakfast together

"Your dad went to work early today because Robert and your dad are going to Malaysia for some meetings there"

Okay wait up. Since when did my dad and Mr. Florenzo have the same work?

"Why's dad with Mr. Florenzo?" I said frowning

She lookep up at me from making those sandwiches. "Since today and stop asking questions. Eat. James would be here any minute"

With that, I easily got distracted and forgot about that deal with my dad and Mr. Florenzo. I guess I'll grill my mom some other day cos I have some more serious issue to face today.

After finishing my pancakes, I heard an unfamiliar car's horn outside.

"That's him! That's him! Go, go go! "Mom pushed me to get my bag and on through the door. She almost got me knocked up at that door.

"Seriously mom..." I whined

Mom opened the door then gave me a paper bag. I looked at it confused.

"Give that to him. Now, go! Don't make him wait sweetheart. Go along now" she smiled sweetly

God that woman. She's more than excited about this I can tell.

James' car, as usual, was gorgeous. I could marry that car anytime, anywhere. I opened the passenger door because the car has only two doors so I have no choice but to sit beside him.

"Here" I gave him the paper bag. "Mom made that for you. Well, you could throw it or whatever you-"I stopped when I saw him taking a bite from the sandwich. I watched fascinated. I expected that he'll throw it or just ignore it when I handed the bag.

After three bites, yes I counted it, he returned the left sandwich and started the engine. The ride to school was awkwardly silent and both of us doesn't utter a single word. When we are getting near the school, I saw the bus stop station that's near at school.

"You can drop me there. We don't want anyone knowing about our situation so I'll just walk from there" I told him. He looked at me then after a few minutes of just staring at me, which made me feel jelly because of that intense stare and beautiful eyes he have.. oh no no. stop that Jas! I mentally scolded myself. Well, as I was saying, he just nodded after that stare fest.

"Let's meet later here after class"

I didn't wait for him to answer and got out of the car. I started walking. Then I saw his car passed me. I sighed. Well atleast I'll be able to get some exercise every morning.

By the time I got to school, the bell rang then I went straight to Mr. Fitz class. Cole and Laura was already at our usual seat and they were laughing when I reached them.

"You guys are having fun without me" I copied Cole line yesterday and gave a teasing smile which earned me a playful glare from Cole.

"Copycat! You are late. Why's that? Did your mom forgot the way from your house to here" he said making fun of my mom

"Yeah she did" I lied.

I quickly went to my seat when I saw Mr. Fitz entering the room.

After the literature class with Mr. Fitz, I went to my Chemistry Lab class while Laura and Cole went to their Math class.

I froze at the door's entryway when I saw HIM and his friends at the back talking. Why, why why is this happening to me. Ugggghhhh! His eyes roam the classroom then landed at me.

Stare fest= Jasmine jelly legs

That damn beautiful eyes would be the death of me!

I was the first to break to break the staring contest and quickly sat at one of the tables that are vacant. At least I won't be having him as my lab partner because I don't think I can literally stay alive with his scent for 2 hours. I almost died from his scent at his car this morning. His scent is the world's best smell ever. Better than the smell of cookies.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone tapped me at my shoulders.

"Hey. Sorry to disturb you. But is this chair taken?" a deep voice asked. I looked up and saw that it was Justin, our swimming team's captain.

"No. You can have it." I smiled then looked in front because Mr. Richards already entered the room.

"Settle down" and the class went quiet

" Im sorry for not being able to attend the first day yesterday so now, we'll create the groups for the class. Your seatmate will be your lab partners."

I looked at Justin and he was already looking at me smiling. I smiled back. I think he's nice so yey for me. I really doesn't know him that much eventhough he's popular. I just knew his name, that's all.

"Hope we'll have the best time being lab partners" he said smiling. Yeah he's nice.

" Hope so too" I returned the same kind smile he gave me.

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