Chapter 7

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I woke up at the voice of Nana trying to get me up from bed

"Dear you're gonna be late for school. Get up now. I already made you some breakfast downstairs"

"I'll be down after shower Na"

I feel so tired and lack of sleep. I barely slept last night after I come home from the Hales. Jas fell asleep and I really tried not to watch her sleep but ended up doing so. She looked so peaceful. I watched her until I heard mom and Mrs. Hale shuffling downstairs and got ready to go home.

Arriving home and trying to get some sleep was the hardest because my mind kept playing the image of Jasmine sleeping and it's driving me insane. What the hell was wrong with me. When sleep finally took over me, it was around 2 am.

"Okay dear. Make it fast" Nana said smiling then went out of my room

I need to clear my head from all these things. From all that girl.

I got up and went to get a nice steamy shower

"Morning mom"

"Good morning sweety. Would you like some breakfast? Nana prepared your favorite French toast. She said that you're not having breakfast here anymore" she looked at me worriedly then continued "She's worried you know"

"Mrs. Hale prepares me breakfast when I pick up Jasmine so that's why I'm not eating here anymore"

"OHHH really?? Good good! I'll tell Nana that" she beamed

"Well I got to go mom. Bye" I kissed her goodbye and went out to the garage to get my car. I'm thinking of driving the BMW today. The first day I picked up Jas, I can see that she likes car so maybe she'll appreciate this baby too.

I'm almost at the house of the Hale when the front door opened and Jas and her mom are already walking towards the drive way to my car.

"Good morning sweety! Here's Jas" She beamed happily while pushing a very annoyed Jas inside my car. I stifle my laugh at Jas' expression right now. I can't help but laugh whenever she's annoyed or mad.


"Did your cat die?" I try to sound neutral and pretend that I'm serious about the question I'm asking


"Didn't you hear me?" I turn and gave her my 'are you that dumb' look. She'll get more annoyed I'm very sure. Annoyed Jas equals to happy James.

"Oh I heard you enough you jerk!! You see, I'm like this because you're so-"

"Don't want to hear it"

From the corner of my eyes I can see her glaring at me and trying hard not to burst out of her bad temper right now. This is far more entertaining form what I imagined it would be.

"FINE! Let's go" she said the last part softly that I stole a chance to look at her

She's very mad right now and I feel guilty for making her more angry. Maybe I should apologize.

When I'm about to tell her sorry though, her phone started ringing.

"Hello?..Yeah.. Oh no no.. Okay I'll see you at school Cole. Bye!"


I looked at her and gone was the 'I hate the world' jas and I'm with the 'I'm so happy' jas. Who is this Cole guy. There are just a couple of Cole I know at school. Cole the goth one, which is very hard to believe that he was the reason for Jas' very bright smile right now. The other one I know is Cole from the team. Does she know Cole?

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