Chapter 14

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“Jas, don’t forget to send me a picture tomorrow okay? And please try to behave at the gala?” I snickered and hugged my dad.

“I promise dad” We are now at the airport waiting for my dad to board the plane to Singapore.

“Don’t forget the list I gave you when you get back”

“I haven’t gotten to the plane and here you already stuffing me with your list of what to bring you home”

“What can I say, I’m a spoiled only daughter dad” Mom and dad laughed.

Before going to the airport, a driver which I only suspected was from the Florenzos because of the gorgeous car he’s driving, dropped by at the house to give me the dress. I was gla ring at the man not because of the dress but because James was supposed to give it to me and not him.

The man flinched at my death glare and I instantly regretted it and mumbled a thanks before slamming the door. I was in a bad mood and he was receiving all the hate from me. I pity the man.

When we got back, I took the stairs hurriedly and went to my room to try the dress. I haven’t opened it since it came because we were already going out to dropped dad at the airport. I eye the box which is big enough that it almost occupies my whole bed and the small box which I recognized as a Christian Loubotin’s. I gasped. I really wanted to have those freaking shoes since I can’t remember but it was so expensive! Before opening the box of the dress, I snatched the shoes and opened it. It was stunning!!! I’m dying inside omg!

The shoes are a color of nude with killer heels. Just the way I wished it would be. I found myself hugging and kissing the poor shoes. If someone would see me like this right now, they would probably think I just came out of a mental hospital. Screw them, I think I’m inlove with my shoes.

Remembering the dress, I stood from the carpet and went to the box to reveal my dress. I wished it was not something super sexy, I don’t think I can wear it, with how much I gain weight these last few days. Pushing that thoughts away, I untied the ribbon around the box and slowly lift the lid. My breathe hitched and I probably stopped breathing altogether.

It’s…it’s beautiful! Super perfect! I snatched the dress and went to my full length mirror to examine how it would look like if i wear it. I twirl and twirl with the dress close to my front when I heard someone spoke behind me.

“I’m glad you like it” I turned and saw my mom smiling while tears started flowing from her eyes. Oh mom, my drama queen.

“Stop crying mom. Do I look that horrible?” I teased.

“Not at all! You look absolutely gorgeous! And…and all grown up”

“Oh mom” I hugged her which made her sob more. I hold her close until she stopped crying and looked at me.

“You really look gorgeous Jas. You really are and I don’t know what happened with the the two of you but I know he’ll get crazy when he sees you wearing this” And I know she’s talking about James.

“Jasmine stay put!” mom scolded me.

“But mom is this really necessary?”

“Yes it is and stop complaining. My ears are hurting with all your whining. Shut it”

Pouting, I did what is asked and zipped my mouth. Mom woke me up at 5 in the moring at a Sunday. Can you believe that? She forced me to go with her jogging telling me that it will help bring out a glowing skin. We finished at around 7 am and when I thought I can go back to sleep again, she pushed me in the kitchen and made me drink this horrible, horrible smoothie which is composed of broccoli and some green leafy things that I lost track to when she’s stuffing it all in our blender.

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