Chapter 1

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It's the first day of my senior year today and excited would be an understatement. I'm freaking giddy about my last year of high school and moving to a new chapter of my life which is college. My best friend, Laura is also excited but not because of the same reason I have, but because, I'm quoting "College boys are hot!!!!!!!". With of course accompanied by squealing and more squealing.

Laura is one of the closest friends I have. She's beautiful with a long straight blonde hair and a model-typed body. She gets any guy she wants with her looks, and mind you, she's using it very well.  

I headed downstairs for breakfast and saw my mom cooking pancakes while my dad is reading the newspaper.

"Good morning mom, dad"

"Good morning sweetheart" my dad said.

"Honey, would you like some berries on your pancakes?"

"No mom, syrup is fine".

She placed the pancakes on my plate then she drizzled some syrup on it.

"Ohh, before I forgot, we are having special visitors for dinner later okay. So go home straight after school. Got that?"

"Yaaa-phhhh. 'Kay" I said through spoonfuls of pancakes in my mouth.

Almost after finishing my breakfast, I heard Laura's car outside so I grabbed my bag and kissed my mom and dad to say my goodbye. As soon as I got outside, I'm greeted with my best friend's high-pitched voice.

 "Get your slow ass in here! I don't want to be late on the first day!"while giving me a playful glare.

"Geez. You just want to see the football player's line-up, you can't fool me!"

She smirked, "Hell yeah! Those meats need to be cooked and eaten" I made a face that told her she's disgusting.

"Girl, you should get laid real soon!" I froze then glared at her


Yup, I'm still virgin not because I want to be but because I'm so hung-up with the guy that doesn't see me as more than a best friend. Cole has been my best friend since I was at 3rd  grade, as well as Laura. We we're inseparable since then. He has a brown hair and deep-brown eyes. He has a built body and a very nice ass.

At 6th grade, I had my first kiss and it was with Cole but after that kiss, nothing changed and He pretended like nothing happened. Maybe I'm not a good kisser because the following week, he had his first girlfriend. It hurt me like hell and I didn't come out of my room for the whole weekend. I didn't eat for the first day then Laura came that night and helped me heal my pain, with of course a help from a tub of Ben & Jerry's, two boxes of pizza and four burgers.

 I snapped out of my thoughts when Laura shouted.

"We're here! And there's my meats ready for Laura the hungry hound" I laughed at her silliness and got out of the car.

I saw Cole from the crowd of the football players because he is the team's center. He's one of the popular guys since forever. Maybe since he was born. Almost all of the players look like gods especially the first five: Jace, Tyler, Isaac, James and including Cole. But I don't honestly notice them that much because I only have my eyes on my man. Not 'my man' of course, my 'I wish my man'.

At first, Laura and I was confused on to why he hangs out with us when we don't even belong to his crowd but we got over that once he explained that he truly enjoys our company.

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