Chapter 6

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Sorry it's kinda short. But next chapter is going to be on James' POV.


Hope you enjoy guys xx

When we reached the house, I got out of the car walked towards the door.

"Mom we're here"

"Oh hi honey" mom said emerging from the kitchen then greeted me and James.

"Come on. Sophia and I cooked dinner tonight" Mom winked at James.

Oh what that supposed to mean. James chuckled behind me.

We went to the dining room and took a seat then James sat beside me. Mom and Mrs. Florenzo appeared with handful of food on the plates. Then I saw my favorite steak. NO JAS! No more eating for tonight. They placed the food at the table and both took a seat.

"Dig in guys" Mrs. Florenzo said proudly. Maybe it's her first time cooking? Ohhhh. That's why mom winked at James.

Mom, Mrs. Florenzo and James started putting foods in their plate. Even James who had a big burger a while back was getting big servings from the different foods at the table. I didn't move to get food and James noticed that. Then, he got steaks and put on my plate.

I turned and glare at him. Giving my best 'what the hell' look. He ignored me and continue putting food on my plate. I looked at mom and Mrs. Florenzo and they were looking at us like we are some kind of pandas that's so cute to watch. Ugh.

"James, I think that's enough" I said through clenched teeth but still faking a smile for mom and Mrs. Florenzo. I don't want to do another stupid act in front of Mrs. Florenzo so I need to control my annoyance and anger.

James met my eyes and all the anger I was feeling subsided. Good gracious not again. Don't look at my eyes dammit! He nodded afterwards then started eating his food. I looked at my plate and sighed. I have to eat these food tonight but I need to cut out my intake of food. Hmm. I will just not eat anymore at lunch. Yeap, that's a good idea. With that plan, I started enjoying my food. Throughout the meal, Mrs. Florenzo kept saying about the food that she made and kept asking us if it's alright. Honestly, it was a little salty but it was good nonetheless.

"Before I forgot though, Robert informed me that the Annual Gala was going to be next week. We already planned for you to go with us Jas. I already told your mom about it" she said smiling at me.

"Oh okay. If you don't mind Mrs. Florenzo, what's the Annual Gala?"

"For goodness' sake sweetheart, call me Mommy Sophia please" She scolded me then smiled. I just nodded. She continued "The Annual Gala is for all the businessmen around the world to have a night to have fun and all. And also, it's for a charity cause". Oh yeah, I remembered Dad going there every year. It was held at different place for every year.

"This year, it will be held here at our country. You'll go with us so that we can introduce you to people" She smiled broadly, really happy for the fact that she come up with that idea. Mom and 'Mommy Sophia' then got engrossed to what will I wear then my shoes and down to the underwear I'll be wearing. I turned red of embarrassment. Then, James abruptly stood up.

"Can we be excused?" James politely asked my mom and Sophia. They stopped talking then looked at us.

"Oh yeah. Jas. Go and show your room upstairs to James" She said normally. My room!! She's joking right??

"We can go at the entertainment room mom. I think James would like that more" I stated then turned to look at James with me mentally telling him with my look to back me up. He smirked.

"I would love to see your room Jasmine" If it wasn't for the fact that it's the first time he said my name and the fact that it was sending tingles all around my body, I would have protested and start to fight.

James held my hand then turned to my mom and Sophia who was looking at our hands.

"We'll go now" And the two, just like me, was surprised to what the hell James is doing. We went out the dining room and I managed to snapped out of my surprise then made an attempt to take back my hand but he was holding my hands so tight that it didn't even budged.

"Hey! Let go. It starting to hurt" he quickly let go of my hand like he was afraid he'll get burned from it. He stared at it without touching it.

"My bad. Come. I don't know where your room is" He started walking upstairs. I followed then we stopped at my door. I slowly opened it and stepped aside to let him in.

He walked to my bookshelves then studied it for a while then went to my mixed tapes that are splayed on top of my table. He took one and studied it. I closed the door and lay back in my bed because I'm so tired.

"Mixed tapes. Nice"

He sat on the chair at my study table then looked at me.

"Can I borrow this"

I was thrown back my his question that I got to up and went to a sitting position to take a look if he's joking or not.

He was dead serious.

"Yeah okay. There's some bunch in that drawer if you like to see more"

I pointed at the drawer beside him. He quickly opened it and studied every single one. I went back to my original position then closed my eyes. Sleep is taking over and I can't fight it. I try opening one of my eyes and saw James looking at me smirking.

"Jerk" I mumbled and sleep finally took over

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