Chapter 9

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Sorry it took so long for the update! Hope you all had an amazing holidays. Thank you to everyone who's reading, voting and leaving a comment. It means a lot to me and it what's motivating me to write more.

Hope you guys enjoy! xx

It’s now Friday which means Laura and I will have our girl’s time later after school. As usual, my mom prepared sandwich for James again. I don’t know why she keeps making it for him, like do they not have food in their house.

“Sweetheart you give this to—“ I cut her off before she continue her every damn morning speech.

“Yeah yeah. Give this to James. Make sure to be nice and don’t make him mad. I get it mom. Can I go now?”

As if on cue, James’ car sounded outside. I went outside and got in the car. Today, he was using my favorite in all of his car. The Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Damn I want to drive this baby.

“Here” I gave her the sandwich and he ate it while driving.

Yesterday, James had a football practice again so Laura dropped me off. I don’t know why but I was expecting James to call me or even text me if I got home safe but he didn’t. Maybe it was a slip when he called me when Justin dropped me off. Whatever.

“I don’t need a ride later if ever you don’t have a practice” I told him when I saw that we are nearing the bus station.


What is this man’s problem. He didn’t even look at me. Hell, I think he didn’t even said a word to me since this morning or even yesterday. Ugh. I will never get man language ever.

When the car stopped, I waited for him to unlock the door. If he’s giving me the cold shoulder, so am I. After hearing the lock, I quickly got out of the car and started walking. He is ruining my morning!

I saw Cole and Laura and some of their friends beside Cole’s car at the parking lot and at the corner of my eye, I also saw James with his friends not so far from them. I quickly made my way to where Cole and Laura is without looking to where those jerks are. All of them are jerks. How will I survive going to one of the jerks’ party tomorrow night. Life is cruel to Jasmine.

“Hey sweet pea. What’s with that face? It’s still morning and you look like you just sat to a 1 day lecture of Mr. Romero” Mr. Romero is the school’s math teacher and we all know everybody hates math, but also, everybody hates Mr. Romero.

“Because you’re making me go to this damn party tomorrow night!” I whined. He put his arms on my shoulders and started walking inside the school with Laura getting beside me.

“Jas, I’m going to be there! And it’s about time you have some fun with us.. And don’t give me that look. Your meaning of fun, reading books is not fun at all so shut it”

“Come on Jas. Please? For me?” We stopped at the middle of the hallway with Cole holding both my hands while giving me the most irresistible puppy dog eyes ever in the history of earth. My heart did an overdrive.

“FINE. I hate you both!” I said quickly and got ahead of them to the classroom to compose myself from being the lovesick jas again.

Chem class was as usual, Justin keeps making me laugh while I successfully ignored the jerks especially the main one, James.

“Can we meet at Sunday? We have to do the first lab report” Justin said after Mr. Richards got out of the room.

“Ok yeah that would be great. Where do you want to do it?”

“We can do it at our house. I’ll pick you up at 1?”

“Yeah cool. Well I have to go. Bye” I quickly head towards the door while fixing my bag when I bumped into the wall. Or is it a wall?

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