Chapter 11

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I'm spoiling you guys with updates! ;) This earns me a comment fan and vote right? Lol

Hope you guys enjoy xx

I woke up late the next morning because I had to explain the full details of the 'situation' I'm in to Laura. Unfortunately, according to her, I only owe her for keeping that important thing in my life right now from her. I probably slept around 3 am so waking up at 1 pm is acceptable for someone that went through that phone conversation last night.

I did my homework throughout half of the day until I saw at the clock in our living room that it's already 6 pm and have to take a shower and get ready for the party later, which I really, really don't feel like going to. If it is haven't for Cole who practically texted me almost every minute today, I know that I'll ditch that party. Party aren't my thing-getting dunk,dry humping or shoving your tongue to whoever is near. Oh no no.

After taking a shower and fixing my appearance, I faced my full length mirror to look at myself. I'm really trying to look good tonight because Cole is going to pick me up and we'll go together to the party. Just the two of us. No Laura. I grin at my reflection.

I had my red dress which is not too slutty but still a classy piece that can be worn to a party. Don't get me wrong, I've attended other parties in my life and this is not my first time. I've attended those parties usually by getting forced to attend by either Laura or Cole but mostly Laura.

I'm about to apply my lipstick when my phone beeped which cause me to applied my lipstick on my lower cheek instead. Ughh. I wiped my cheeks before getting my phone to read the message. I swear, if this message is not between life or death, I'll kill whoever texted me. Unless it's Cole of course. Grinning like a cat, I opened the message and instantly my smile fell.

Cole: Can't pick u up anymore, Jen is going to the party. Sorry.

I'm still re-reading the message when another text came in. Which is from Cole again.

Cole: Texted Laura to pick u up. Be there. I'll make it up to you promise

I slumped down to the stool in my vanity mirror and just looked at myself. Why is it so hard to love someone who can't love you more than a best friend. What the hell is wrong with me that he can't look at me the way he looks at other girls. Is my boobs too small for him? I quickly look down at my chest and sigh. I immediately wiped that are threatening to pour down on my eyes and fixed my hair with my hairbrush.

Laura came after 10 minutes and I quickly get in her car.

"Don't be sad babe. I'm really pissed for what happened. Cole is an ass sometimes. I told him to still pick you up because he forced you to come to this party but told me that he needed to fetch Jen" I nodded for her to just start the car but she ontinues.

"You know I hate that girl. She can drive. Why can't she just go on her own? Does she really need Cole to pick her up? Such a little spoiled princess if you ask me"

"It's okay Laurs" I fake smiled to try to ease up her annoyance. "Atleast you'll be there. I don't think I can go the party without you. Seriously" She stared at me first then after a beat she smiled.

"Well we don't need that asshat tonight then. We'll have fun!" She then started the car and head for Jace's house for the party.

"Don't talk to Cole tonight okay? We'll give him the silent treatment for ditching us. Got that?"

She glanced at me to see if I'll object but I nodded and she smiled triumphantly.

Jace's house was like a mansion. Really. There are big black gates before coming to their house. It's mansion for me. There are many cars that are parked outside but you can't know if there's a party going on inside if you don't know there is one. We walked up to the front door and knocked. Two buffed guys who look like bouncers to a club opened the door and let us in. A lady in a maid uniform came to our side and guided us to the place of the party which is happening downstairs after some confusing hallways. This house is crazily big. After arriving at the place of the party, I know that because the loud music can be heard behind it, the maid left us.

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