Chapter 4

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Bakugo was about to give up on the woman when he felt a sharp agonising pain in his lower back. He could barely turn his head and get a glimpse of what was there that could've possibly hit him so hard. "Y-you... who... are... you-..." with those few words Bakugo fell to the ground and fell into deep dark blackness. He was trapped. No people, sound, noise, anything. Just black, everything was black. It looked as if he were floating in his mind since there was no ground to be seen. That's when he could here a faint whisper. It didn't last long and quickly got louder with every few seconds until he could barely make out a few words. "You are mine now little one.". He felt his heart and stomach drop. 'What the fuck did that supposed to mean?! Was it that weird ass lady on the street? No, this sounded lower, more like a grown mans voice. Guessing mid forty's. And why was everyone calling me little one?' He thought about it. The more he did the more his mind rephrased words and put disturbing things in his head. That is until out of nowhere he felt a hand on his shoulder. With desperation he opened his eyes. They were flickering under the dim light. He looked at where he felt a hand on his shoulder to find a man in his forty's on top of him. He tried with all his Might to move but... nothing, he was paralysed. "Trying to move are we now? Well I'll assure you that something like that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Well, not until the drugs wear off I suppose." The man had an evil smirk on his face screaming with 'don't you dare move or I'll hurt you' but at the same time 'I can't wait to fuck you already and watch as your virgin body reacts to me being inside you'. All of this was too much. 'Why? Why did this have to happen to him now? Hadn't he already been through enough already?!'.
Sorry this chapter is shorter than my others but I had a really good idea on what to do so this is what came out. I hope y'all are doing good with the new school year! I am sure nervous about going back to middle school 😅😓. Bye 👋🏻 ❤️

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