Chapter 15

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Bakugo's POV

That's the only way to describe it. Darkness without a light. How I wished I could see it though. It's pitch black, I can't breathe. Help, I need help.
NO! You can't! It'll make you weak! Do you really think we can afford that right now?
No... we can't.
Exactly. So do as I say and don't make a move until I say so.
Now that's more like it. Have you been working out?
I'm sorry I—
Don't, you can't even be capable of losing a few pounds. How do you expect to ever reach our goal weight?!
Precisely. Just as I thought you realize it too. Now in order to fix this, I luckily have a solution.
And... what might that be?
No, you haven't. Your still eating. You could stop. You will stop.
I understand.
Do we have an agreement?

Kirishima's POV

I really hope Bakugo is ok.
"Hey Kiri!" I heard a voice yell.
"Huh... oh! Hey guys!"
"How've you been? You haven't been at school in weeks ever since that... incident."
"We're really worried." Sero said appearing after Mina.
"You guys really don't have to. If anything I should. Bakugo is in serious trouble."
"Really?! What makes this so?" Sero asked concerned.
"Well I just have a gut feeling I guess. I don't know how to explain it."
"God! Can you guys stop worrying about that failure for a second?" Mina whined.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, he's a failure. A fat disgusting pig!"
"Last time I checked I was told not to believe snobby bitches who think they're better than everyone." I said in a flat voice. It apparently intimidated her, which I had no problem with.
"Go die." After that she left.
"What a bitch!" Sero said putting his arms over his head.
"Ya, I know right? No wonder Bakugo is so sad."
"I think the word your looking for is 'depressed' Kiri."
We didn't speak after that. I waved a goodbye and we were on our way living our own lives. Sero went to a sidekick audition and I went to the grocery store to fetch some things for Bakugo.
He hasn't eaten a lot. I know! It's probably the hospital food. He'll want a nice homemade meatloaf and green bean casserole. That's what I'll make him! Oh, and I can steam some salmon too! Yes! He'll love that.

20 minutes later

I finally have all of the food. $38.57?!?!?! Well... it's for Bakugo so it's worth it.
I walked back to my dorm and cooked all of his food. I was planning on eating his leftovers since it ended up costing so much.
"All done!" I whisper-yelled in silent victory.
"Now all I have to do is give it to him."

At the hospital

"What do you mean I can't see him!?"
"I'm sorry young man but your friend is in a medically induced coma."
"For what though?!"
"He was at risk for harming himself and/or the people around him."
"I can't believe this." I said
"I'm afraid it's true sir."
"Can I have your name please, so I can call you if necessary?"
"Of course, my name is Dr. Roebeck."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Roebeck."
"You too—",
"The names Kirishima but you can call me Kiri."
"Its nice of you to think that way but I'd like to stay on the professional side of things. But I do enjoy seeing how much you care for a patient of mine Kirishima."
"He's a dear friend to me. I can't stand him like this. He's practically a prisoner in his own mind." I put my head down.
"Why such a glum face? Your friend is in good hands. And I can see you've done your part, I can practically smell the meatloaf a mile away."
"This was meant for Bakugo but considering his position right now I don't see the harm in eating a bit of this. I mean there is a lot to begin with." I chuckled.
"Why did you bring this much anyways?" Dr. Roebeck asked.
"You see, BAKUGO hasn't eaten much in the past few days I've managed to see him so I thought he outta be hungry."
"Aaahhh, I see."
"But another part is that I was hungry and in need of some good food too so I was planning on eating leftovers." I scratched my neck as me and doc shared a laugh or two.
"Your a kind man Kirishima. I hope you know that."
"Thank you sir."
"Your friend is lucky to have you."
"I know that sir."
"Good. Now dig in."

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