Chapter 14:

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Kirishima's POV

"Hey Baku—"

"BAKUGO!" I Yelled in fear as the sight I saw unfolded before my eyes. "W-why?" I pleaded him to tell me but, it was no use. "Can you talk to me?" He shook his head; 'no'. "Talk to me." This time it wasn't a question. I need to know what's wrong with my friend.

Denki's POV

Oh Bakugo, huh... why didn't you tell us? We-
"-COULD'VE BEEN THERE FOR YOU!" I looked over after grasping the situation. Bakugo and Kirishima were wrestling on top of the hospital bed. Not that Bakugo put up much of a fight with his malnourished body. He was obviously trying to yank the tubes from his stomach out while Kirishima has him pinned to the ground. "Baku-" I tried to let in a couple words but before I knew it nurses and doctors stormed into the room.

Bakugo's POV

Doors were slamming, eyes were shutting, all hope was fading. The last thing I remember was me and Kirishima fighting, I was of course losing. Then I herd a loud thud with doctors and nurses rushing to my side before I blacked out. And sure as hell I 'awake' without a damn clue about what's going on. I had finally went unconscious when I woke up realizing 15 hours went by when it felt as only minutes passed! I look around the room, trying to see anything familiar for me to get an idea of where I am. Well I know I'm not in recovery girls room, and I know I'm in a different hospital than last time. So... where exactly am I? Before I could dig further into my detective work, I heard a beeping sound. It was a heart rate machine? Or whatever the fuck you wanna call it! I don't give two shits, just that I can get off of it as soon as possible. Actually... why not right now? With that, I sat up and immediately regretted it. "Damn" I mumbled to myself in pain. Who knew sitting up could make you so lightheaded?!
Actually, now that I think about it. "SHIT!" The others saw! They saw me... m-me... I can't say it. I don't know why tho? I just can't admit it, I wanna go home, to my room, in my room, on my phone, alone.

Time skip 2 days after BAKUGO was notified to have been awake and 'stable' enough to walk.

All Mights POV

I'm walking with young Bakugo by my side since it's been requested to not leave him alone. Not even in the bathroom. Huh... he really doesn't have any privacy anymore. I look up from the square pavement to see an emotionless Katsuki. Why? That's all I could ask myself. Why? Why hurt yourself? Why alone? We were right there! I front of you! But, no... I know it's not that simple. I just wanted it to be. "All... Might-",
"Bakugo!" I screamed while rushing over to him. Instead of shock, happiness, sadness, even anger. He just stared. Deeply, so deep that it was like he was looking right thro- no. Like he was looking into my soul. "I-" he continued; "I- never mind. I-it's really nothing..." oh no. This isn't like him at ALL! He never stumbles over his words. Something is severely wrong.
"Why can't you tell me? I know it's not "nothing"." He just stares at me blankly. It was now hard to hold my poker face as slight signs of sympathy and worry began to show through my determination to stay strong.
"Alright then, if you can't talk to me then... talk to young Midoriya."

Kiri's POV

I raised my head as I saw All Might walk out of Bakugo's room, quietly shutting the door before collapsing onto a chair. "You alright?" I asked walking over to sit next to him. "Huh... oh yeah. It's just he isn't cooperating how I wanted him to."
"Hey it's Bakugo, he was never really good at cooperating it isn't entirely your fault." I didn't realize I said that last part out loud until I finished. Looking dawn I saw All Might awestruck and in shock. Damnit Kiri! Your such a fucking idiot!
Nani?  Now I'm scared, All Might didn't move his head from it's lowered state staring at his fiddling hands that soon turned into balled fists. Is, is he trying to restrain himself from punching me?! I thought he was going to leave it at that but to my worry he continued.
"You really don't know anything do you? You little shit!"
"W-What?" Is what I wanted to say but alas I stood there dumbfounded since I've only ever been spoken to this way by Bakugo. I know he doesn't always mean it but...
this was All Might. This, was different. I guess he realized what he said since he unfocused his eyes and let out a quick "gomenasai" and left with a look of guilt. I couldn't help but pity him. I know, pity sounds like too much but I can't deny how I feel. Deep inside of me I lost a bit of respect for All Might but...
also for myself.
"EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!" I heard a voice yell. I look over to see a woman, fairly short with nicely cut blue hair and a pink pair of googles in a pink and black jumpsuit. Right next to a dirty blonde in a pants suit with Harry Potter style glasses, (if you know what I mean).
I walk over to the two females and greet them with a respectful bow and friendly handshake.  We walk into a small grey room with a red and brown sofa. I lay back in a black chair and the other two ladies sat at the same table.
"Nice to meet you Kirishima." The blue haired girl spoke. " You too!" I said. "But do you mind if I ask your names?" I asked politely asked.
"Oh that's easy my names Rika!" Yelled the playful blue haired girl.
"The names Amethyst, my friends call me 'Myst' for short." The blonde said. I nodded my head in agreement showing how I was listening. I'm soo gonna call her Myst now!
"So now that we're all settled in let's get to the real reason why your here."
I knew I didn't come here just to make friends so I sipped a Frappuccino and continued sitting, waiting to hear what they were gonna tell/ask me.
"Why did you enter the time you did on Bakugo's cutting incident?" Myst asked.
I was shocked by this question.
"Well, I guess I haven't fully processed everything yet but here's what happened. I was sent by the doctor to check up on Bakugo to see if he was going to eat his oatmeal. You see an hour before this me and a couple other students from UA we're watching to see if he would eat, but he never did. So I walked in hoping to see if he are atleast some. That's when I heard a muffled scream outside of his room and slammed open the door to, t-to see..." I trailed off. My mind froze. It couldn't process all the events that happened the past 24 hours.
"You don't have to continue dear." Myst said while Rika was assuring me I wasn't going crazy.
I stayed quiet, I don't know why but I just did. I lowered my head staring at my knees trying my best to haze out the rest of the world. Is this what Bakugo feels like? Probably... maybe even worse. Shit, this feels like shit. I can't believe he's felt this way and worse after coming back from a mood swing after being extremely happy. Bakugo—
"Kirishima." Myst stated in a lowered more stern voice.
"Yes?" I asked almost in a whimper.
"You can leave for now. We don't have to continue right now. How about next Tuesday? It's in 3 days so you can process everything a little bit more if you can. Ok?" I shook my head "Yes."

???'s POV

"Hahaha... Bakugo, my sweet little Bakugo. I can't wait to make you mine."


(Total words: 1381 words)
Bye guys 👋🏻❤️

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