Chapter 12:

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So my English teacher hasn't done Friday writing days in 2 weeks soo...

                                            Here you go!💕

Bakugo's POV (I know shocking)

What's that sound? God the ringing in my head won't stop! Huh... do I really have to open my eyes? *silence* I guess I do Huh. And so I did, I opened my eyes to the harsh image awaiting for me as soon as daybreak. I looked down. There were 7 tubes in my skin and three in my stomach alone. I look up to see an IV bag next to my 'twin size' hospital bed. God damn! They couldn't give a little bit more room so I wouldn't fall off if I roll over?! Tttt-
Whatever! I sighed and look up to a plain tile ceiling. "Huh, I wonder if I'm as Pail as the ceiling?" I reach my hand out to the ceiling, or atleast as far as I could move it, let alone keep it up for long. "Haha... I guess I really am deprived. Doesn't matter though... anything that involves me doesn't matter. Well, other than torturing myself and my suicide, haha." I silently giggle before letting out a loud sigh.

God shit up!

Someone could of heard you! Keep your suffering to yourself. All they'll do is make fun of you or pretend to care. Then they'll just stop you from controlling yourself better. Self discipline is the key...

The voice slowly softened until inexistent.
The only thing that remained was an echo repeating the sentence over an otherwise deathly quiet room. I couldn't take it anymore, everything was wrong, EVERYTHING!!! My father is dead! My mother wanted it to be me instead of him! Wait... I can't believe I just realized this. My own mother wants me dead!




DIDN'T I ALREADY TELL YOU?! No one wants your sorry existence here fatass! 'Go fuck your self' that's the sentence that keeps coming to mind when people think of you. You KNOW this!

"LIKE HELL I KNOW IT!" With that one sentence the doors flew open. There standing was everyone he ever knew. Well, except for dad and...   

But that didn't matter right now. Nothing mattered. I feel like I could just...

Narrators POV

There, standing before Katsuki Bakugo was his whole life's worth of 'friends'. You might've been expecting fifty people at the very least. Though there was only a mere 10-15 at MOST. It was Kirishima, (I'm sorry I just had to!💕) Denki, Sero, Earphone Jack, All Might, and Froppy. The rest were heroes from the fight that were left with severe burns, cuts, and had the bandages to prove it.

Bakugo's POV

Who the fuck are those guys? "Hey! Who are you?" I yelled in my regular pissed off voice. I couldn't hear anything. Their lips were moving,
But... I couldn't figure out the words.
"W-What?" I managed to speak in a whisper, a faint one at that. But no reply, no movement,

It was all blank from that point on. What happened to those guys in the bandages? D-did, did I do that? No! Wa- yes?





Nothing you do will have a good outcome and you KNOW it! Just except that your a pitiful disgrace to society. No one likes you or even wants you around. Hell, I sure don't! 'Fuck off worthless fatass'. That's what they call you when your not around. You know this. Ha! And the worst part about it is that you think the same way!
HAHAHA!!! But you know what you can do?

"W-What?! Anything! Please... *hiccup* just tell me..."

Alright, since you obviously can't figure it out yourself, I'll tell you. 
*sighs* It's down to the very fucking core...

Self discipline.

The voice was stern. I didn't want to anger it since I felt like I couldn't speak. This, this voice, it was a conniving fox waiting for its new prey to feast upon. It reminded me of the old me. Except I was now the foxes prey...
willing to obey my master for any means necessary.

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