( Confessions )

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"Your name's [L/N], right? Can you tell us about your backstory with Deku and Bakugou?"

Spoke the girl across from you. She was admittedly very cute; pink cheeks, brown hair and eyes.. her name was Uraraka, if you recalled correctly. "Our past? Well we all grew up together. There really wasn't anything to it.."

Uraraka's expression seemed heavily disappointed; this was acknowledgable due to go her pouty lips. However, as an revelation occurred to her, her eyes were ignited with an sudden eager glisten. "How was Deku like? Did he look the same?!"

Midoriya's face burned red from embarrassment. He'd frantically wave his hands, staring into the girl's direction. "U-Uraraka! Don't bring up the past!! Please!" He fretfully begged, earning an dismissive glance in return.

Meanwhile, you placed a hand to your cheek, thinking contemplatively as an image of Midoriya from the past took it's time to recollect within your mind. "He was really small, as well as cute. Ah! Izuku was really obsessed with All Might, too! He even has underwe-"

Keeping you from speaking any further, Midoriya had quickly leaned in and covered your mouth sharply, eventually yanking your head into his shoulder. "E-Enough about me!!"

Muffled words managed to become audible, while Uraraka blinked in surprise. She laughed a bit awkwardly, shielding her worry regarding your relationship with him. "You're close with Deku, Hm..?"

You seemed to have nodded without any hesitation. The three of you have been through thick and thin, but hopefully Uraraka understood that it was a simple bond.

But you know, feelings could always change.

You pawed at your attacker's hand. It was enough to inform him of what he had been doing. With your enclosed distance, Midoriya found himself gazing down towards you, a blush never relinquishing from his freckled cheeks. "Oh... s.. sorry..."


Your feelings for him were vague.

'I shouldn't get my hopes up.' Midoriya thought, returning his attention forward after releasing you. As he began to play with his food, you were seen complaining to prove your dismay. 'Yeah... [Y/N] probably said that to put me at ease..'

His gaze saddened.



An annoying noise lifted Midoriya's attention. It came from ahead of him. He locked eyes with a male whose tilted head laid against the palm of his hand, watching him relentlessly as if he had been watching T.V. He had been tapping his metallic fork against the table, unintentionally altering the atmosphere.

He wasn't saying a word.

Bakugou's content expression turned up confusion from the other. And his eyes seemed.. different. Unusual. Churning. Discomforting. It wasn't nearly the same as his typical angered reflection.

In all honesty. They were frightening.

Bakugou's glare threatened him silently. Midoriya felt an nervous ball of sweat roll down his cheek, just as he discovered the courage to confront the situation at hand. "Is there something wrong, Kacchan..?" He'd mutter.

There was nothing but silence.

He'd look away from him after a deafening minute, which worried Midoriya. A growl or scoff would be expected from the male, but there wasn't even an utter. So quiet, that it seemed as though he wasn't breathing. The tapping finally stopped, however the male with green eyes didn't feel relief just yet.

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now