( Encounters )

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Not before long, Todoroki and Bakugou returned to the dormitories, but as they approached the door, Midoriya suddenly opened it from the other side. He looked up to them, surprise written along his face, meanwhile Todoroki seemed calm while his companion immediately contorted his expression into an scowl.

"Midoriya, where are you going?" Asked Todoroki, who looked down to his feet covered by his trademark, red shoes. The other released the doorknob, talking casually as if not phased at all by another's rude glare. "I was about to step outside to look for you two. Yaoyorozu says that there's something important she wants to discuss."

Nodding shortly after his words, his friend pointed toward the door. "Alright. I'm going to head inside, then." Spoke Todoroki, moving on by and into the building.

It was only Midoriya and Bakugou now.

The young men were silent, and all the while, the male with green eyes felt the need to speak.. However he didn't know how to start a conversation without it resulting in shouts. Looking down to the gift bag laced around his hand, his expression lifted. "You bought [Y/N]'s gift too?!" He'd ask, causing the other to lift a brow.

Midoriya looked down as he rustled a hand through his pockets, and in moments a light pink satchel hung down as the strings were pinched between his fingertips. "I got her something, too! We actually went together.. but she didn't know that we were shopping for her birthday." A lighthearted chuckle left him, followed by Bakugou's envious click of his tongue.

Proceeding, Midoriya untied it, slowly taking out a thin piece of golden jewelry, laying it in the palm of his hand. It was so pretty that it could sway any female as soon as their eyes laid upon it. There had been a large pendant in the center, the sole source of it's beauty. The pendant was sculpted by a glistening ruby gem shaped into a heart, while on the backside was an endearing gold.

That wasn't all either. You could also open and close the core of the necklace, and once he opened it, an holographic image appeared from thin air. On it, portrayed a photo from their childhood days; your eleventh birthday. Your younger figure was sandwiched between two ecstatic boys.. The one with dark green hair timidly holding up a peace sign, while the other with ash blonde hair stood beside you with a wide grin, creating bunny ears secretly behind your back as his other hand was placed on his waist. Meanwhile, you held your birthday cake with both hands, trying your best not to reveal too much of your excitement. 

Heavily impressed, and even more jealous, Bakugou pushed a hand into his pocket, leaning onto his hip. "You got her that? Necklaces are cliché. Get with the program, nerd."

Midoriya dropped his expression, getting a little nervous. He was beginning to wonder if this was enough for you. "Y-You think so..? But.. But I worked so hard on it..."

Balling up his fist to lift it up in the air, he paid no thought to his friend's attempt to crumble his confidence, instead resurfacing his affiliation. "It doesn't matter! It's the thought that counts!" An somewhat forced sound of laughter slipped past his zig-zag lips.

Bringing his eyes past him, Bakugou walked on by, ignoring his motions for the time being. He was reminded to stop by the living room area, where the majority of class 1-A were gathered.

Yaoyorozu kept her arms crossed, worry written all over her face. It probed everyone else to feel concerned. "What is it, Yaoyorozu? Is it bad news? From the look on your face, I can tell." Kaminari sighed, then slouched his stomach over the sofa's spine, his hands flopping down against the cushions as they nearly hit Jiro. "I hate bad news.. Hit us with the good news first, please?"

"Hey, watch it!"

Ashido looked away. There was a feeling.. She knew what this had been about. The other female student, on the other hand.. pursed her lips lightly together. "I'm afraid all I have is bad news.. Recently, there's been strange disappearances with our classmates."

Yaouorozu then held up her index finger. "There has been no sign of Kirishima. He's been gone for about two days now.." She pulled up her ring finger afterwards. "And Uraraka has disappeared as well. I haven't seen her since yesterday. Now, if anyone has any idea as to where they went, please speak now."

Everyone glanced around, looking to each other as they whispered to anyone willing to lend a ear. That's when Midoriya suddenly began to speak, his eyes narrowed as if he were guilty. "A few days ago.. Kirishima sent me a text message, late at night.." He snapped his head up. "But- It wasn't anything fishy, trust me!!" He'd wave his hands around furiously for a little while, until he placed it atop his neck. "All he did was ask about [Y/N] and her number..."

The students took their eyes off of him, staring into your pathway. You froze up, hand having a mind of it's own and lowering a glass mug away from your lips slowly. It was hard to hide the faint blush rising on your face from both the embarrassment and nervousness. "Ah.. Um..."

Kaminari whistled loudly, stroking underneath his chin as if plotting something that would eventually become futile.

On the other hand, those who took this seriously, such as Shouji, caused Midoriya to flinch. "So Kirishima stopped texting you after that? The last time I went in his room, I saw everything intact, so I don't think he ran away."

Snapping her fingers, Yaoyorozu forced an uneasy smile. "The pro heroes and police agencies are performing an investigation. We're not sure if the league of villains have been involved, but either way, we must help them." She looked down. "Which brings me to say this.. If there are any strange occurrences, please report to mister Aizawa as soon as possible. This is for our classmates' sake, not just ours. That's all, everyone."

The atmosphere had been pretty battered after the unfortunate news. Some began to socialize once more on worry of their classmates, while the other half tried to remain calm the best they could. You felt awful about the entire ordeal. It was was strange how you talked to them the day of their assumed disappearances, though you tried not to pin the blame onto yourself.

There was another individual who stood near, eyeing you with his seep red eyes, watching your every move, your every expression, and every breath. He could feel his hand twitch, an undeniable yearn to talk to you making him take a step forward. Bakugou glanced to Midoriya, and luckily he was busy conversing with Iida and Todoroki; his closest friends.

Now no one could interrupt him.

Drawing near, excitement scoured throughout his entire body, however just as a sentence was about to leave his throat, he would suddenly stop as you removed something from your pocket; your phone. Staring at the contact name with a puzzled look, your hand hovered below the device with one hand as you brought it closely to your ear, pressing the green button. 

"Hello? Dad? What is it?" You whispered, earning an unfamiliar, feminine breathe of relief from the opposite end of the line.

"..[F/N] [L/N], correct? I'm sorry, but this is not your step father speaking. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but.."

Suddenly your eyes widened. Everything seemed to have faded to black, and it didn't go by unnoticed. Your jaw hung low, and there had been a strange pressure behind your eye sockets. Tears threatened to fall and eventually.. They did.

You slouched only slightly, the grip keeping your phone in hand loosening gradually, until it collapsed to the floor. Because of the clanking metal, everyone looked toward you, who fell to your knees, despondent and completely engrossed in despair. It was uncontrollable, however your hands lifted, attempting to rid of the oncoming tears sliding down your cheeks.

In between your fingertips, you came to notice a shocked male with ashe blonde hair rushing to your side in a slow motion. He crouched down in front of you, unable to hear the words leaving him despite he was shouting into your ears. Senses deranged, you brought your arms around his torso, your face burying into the nape of his neck almost lovingly. It was enough to make the hairs on the back of Bakugou's neck rise. "My dad..." You started, voice cracking just as much as your demeanor.

"My dad.. He... just died..."

[Chapter END]

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now