( Resentment )

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Bakugou would sigh while watching Kirishima leave his room. It was late, and hopefully that idiot wouldn't forget all that he's learned today.

Laying his back against his bed, he'd move his forearm to position itself right above his eyes. The silence in the room had been deafening, which is why he also moved one hand to plug his ears with earbuds.

There was this song he liked.

Something you used to sing.

Bakugou opened his phone and then waited, glaring towards an audio recording you recorded from long ago. The file caused him to reminisce on some cherishable memories regarding the moment you decided to sing for his twelfth birthday.

Although you were young, your singing voice had always been soft and Velvet, clear while you sang in confidence. Even after all of these years, he listened and listened, not able to get enough of you. He pressed play before turning over onto his side, that previous scowl of his lifting.

Bakugou loved your vocals back then. That itself was enough to make him feel queasy within. "[Y/N]..." He'd utter, unaware of his unintentional slip from reality. "[Y/N].." Repeatedly saying your name made his heart skip numerous beats, eventually he became unable to redeem an inevitable blush from scattering over his cheeks.

He thought of how much you've grown and tried his best not to reveal any improper thoughts, but in all honesty it was difficult. You looked beautiful, especially since that body of yours developed. He nearly mistook you for someone else.

The song was coming to an end, however instead of moving on he simply replayed it, listening to you all over again.

Shifting right back into his backside, the male clenched the heart of his shirt, breathing becoming erratic the more his thoughts continued. The song was to no help either. "Damn it.." He cursed under his breath, completely enamoured by an imaginative figure of you.

"I can't take this anymore.."

This burning feeling in his chest couldn't go away. It made him feel drunk, hot, and tired. He knew exactly what this foreign feeling was.

It was a yearning.

A lust.

He wanted you in his arms, fixating an cognitive fantasy just wasn't enough, but despite knowing that, it somehow managed to set him off.

Bakugou pursed his lips, the hand he used to hold his phone released, and then gradually sunk right past his abdomen, getting closer to restricted areas which earned his hitched breathing.


Bakugou quickly yanked his hand away and then sat up in a matter of seconds, heart jumping as the door that had previously been knocked on opened quickly, revealing a certain redhead in particular; Kirishima. "Oi, Bakugou! They wanted me to call you down for some dinner!"

Bakugou gritted his teeth, becoming angry at his inability to distinguish privacy. "Learn how to knock!" He shouted, grasping onto his pillow only to throw it forcefully towards the male peeking in.

"I did--"

Cutting himself off abruptly, Kirishima quickly slammed the door closed before the pillow could make contact with him, resulting in it hitting the wood instead.

Bakugou sighed, moving to the edge of the bed. He was relieved to know that Kirishima didn't see anything. He placed a hand to his forehead, brought to a moment in silence. After thinking so reclusively the male would leave his room and make his way to the dining hall, where most of his friends waved him over. All except for one.

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now