( Altercation )

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Silence loomed over the room after you announced the tragedy that's occurred. Bakugou reluctantly wrapped an arm around you in return, one hand placed against your head in a means to comfort you. There was nothing he could say for consolation, this was a moment full of sadness you wouldn't be able to bounce back off of due to words. Everyone stood there, utterly shocked, watching as you broke down in Bakugou's arms, wailing to dispense some tension.

"[Y/N]..." Muttered Midoriya, who approached the two of you on the floor. "I'm sorry to hear what happened... If it helps, you should go and relax in your room for a little while.." He'd suggest, trying to be sympathetic. Bakugou flinched as you started to move away from him. As selfish as this sounded, having you be so close to him was something he never wanted to break free from. Trying to grab you, he missed your arm entirely while trying to stop you from standing. With your knees weak and legs trembling, you took slow steps up to Midoriya, grabbing his hand.

Confusion engulfed everyone, seeing how you proceeded on your way to your bedroom, dragging a stammering Midoriya along with you.

Main hallways.
>[7:32 PM]<

"Hey... Why are you taking me... To your room?" Asked the male with green hair, slowing his pace just as you done so. It took a moment for you to turn around and stare directly into the eyes of your friend. As much as you wanted to exhale.. You couldn't.

You couldn't say a word... If you even tried to do so you felt like you'd burst into tears again. And so, you buried your hands in your face, slouching forward a little. "[Y/N]..?" He repeated, naturally getting a little afraid. Stepping forward with an extended hand, those muscles of his came to tighten, hearing as that soft, shaky voice processed through his ears.

"Izuku.. I'm more than certain that I'll end up returning home. Either permanently, or for my dad's funeral... I don't know why, but I... I felt like telling you this first..." Midoriya could feel his eyes dilate. This wasn't the best way to go about things. Why now, out of all times?..

He clenched his fists, sucking up his lower lip. "So then.. Your birthday.. Are we just going to forget about it? If that's the case.. Then... I want to let you know about my feelings for you right now..." His sympathy altered into that of sadness.

Guilt visible, you clenched your arm, eyes diverting ever so slowly. You couldn't just get his hopes up only to just disappear. There could've been something you could do, at least that's what you hoped. The tension was set high, reasoning becoming unclear, and one thing was made for sure; there was an undeniable sense of warmth. "I.. I-"




Midoriya's eyes no longer fixated onto you, rather.. at the ends of the hallway, glancing to and from. "Huh? Do you.. do you hear that?" The two teenagers looked startled, interests at a zenith.

"O-Oh, sorry..!" You replied, placing your hand against your chest with a turned head. 'Is my heart pounding that loudly??!' While you tried to calm yourself, the other proceeded to move, for your fluster remained oblivious to him. "It sounds like.. It's coming from Kacchan's room..."

He strayed away from your position, maneuvering towards the source of the thudding. You followed behind him a bit warily, your instincts leading you on. In time, the both of you grew near Bakugou's room, gaining a bit of nostalgia in doing so. "The noise is coming from in here..?" You questioned, eyeing Midoriya cautiously.

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now