( Captivity )

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Bakugou brought the mallet behind his back a little more. He wasn't expecting company, nor was he expecting it to be you out of all people.

You tilted your head. Nothing looked to be out of the ordinary.. He seemed completely fine, it made you doubt Ashido for a split second. As you parted your lips, there was an strange metallic stench that flowed up your nostrils. It was rather faint, but yet there were still traces of the aroma that both you and he were aware of. However, due to his fan sending wind towards the direction of the doorway, the smell quickly vanished, and so did the question within your mind.

"[Y/N]? Why are you here?" Bakugou asked again, noticing the recent alter in your expression in the moment you replied. "Can you come out for a second? I have to talk to you about Ashido."

His eyebrows borrowed instantly.

He couldn't even hold a casual conversation with you thanks to her. "One sec." He said, closing his door momentarily. It took him a minute, but eventually he stepped out and into the hallway, observing your mannerisms.. From tapping the sole of your shoe to the ground, to stroking your arm.

"I'll.. Just cut to the chase..." You started, "Ashido told me what you did to her... I'm not sure if you did it for a reason or not, but this sort of violence is new to me, and-"
"[Y/N]. You shouldn't listen to everyone else." Bakugou interrupted, coming close to you. Instinctively, you stepped backwards, feeling your heart thud in the process.

"Why not..?" You sternly asked, inserting a bit of displeasure into your words. "Why can't you tell me the reason you attacked her? This sort of thing can't be overlooked, Katsuki!"
By this time he towered over you, and his eerie expression put you in your place in an instant. "If I tell you, you wouldn't understand. End of discussion." He turned away to return to his room, almost as if he was in a hurry, however you stopped him by holding his wrist, causing him to get a little annoyed.

"Don't do this again, Katsuki. Or else I'll end up reporting you." Your sentence led him to lower his eyelids. Moving away subtly though, he silently returned to his room, closing his door with a slight thud. Bakugou would approach his desk, picking up the bloody mallet which he laid on his surface just a few minutes ago.

"Don't do it again." He repeated to himself, gazing over at Kirishima's still body, approaching him with the mallet by his side. The blood that stained the object didn't belong to him, but instead belonged to a girl who remained curled against his floor, with her legs, hands, and mouth kept restrained by duct tape.

"I think it's a little bit too late for that."

The second he moved, the girl would awaken, staring in a daze toward the floor for a moment before her eyes widened in absolute shock. She tried to move her arms and legs, but inevitable realization hit her roughly, which is why she squirmed ruthlessly in terror. 

"Mmph! Mm! Mmphhh!!"

Sweat would drip from her brow as she grabbed Bakugou's attention. And so, he moved around Kirishima's corpse, crouching down and in front the girl on the floor. He tilted his head, slowly peeling the duct tape from her mouth. "What? Gotta pee, pink-cheeks?"

Uraraka trembled as he touched her. But for a hero; fear came with confidence. "..Why are you doing this? You're throwing away your entire life, Bakugou..!" She countered with an shaken glare, upstarting nothing more but fury for the other. "If you don't gotta pee then stop talking." He'd grab the collar of her shirt, dragging her back to lean her against the wall, faced directly towards Kirishima's corpse. "What are you doing to Kirishima??! Let me go!!"

Even after her callings, he didn't plan on releasing her. Pressing the tape back to her lips, he moved away from her, going back to what he was doing prior. He hovered above Kirishima, and then parted Kirishima's lips with the mallet nearing his teeth. "His shark teeth are an immediate give away."

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now