( Madness )

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The both of the wandered the dark establishment. Your head hung low as the male ahead of you kept his hand to your wrist, while the other remained in his pocket. It was a little difficult to see, considering that the entire building was enveloped in an ominous void.

You glanced away, the quiet in the air probing for you to broach a subject you had on your mind for a while now. "Katsuki... Before you decide what you want to do to me next... could I.. could I look into Izuku's room? Please?"

The male glanced back at you over his shoulder, although it was brief. His red eyes were placid, as well as his face. It was in times like these you wished you knew what he was thinking.

Returning his gaze upfront, his pace slowed down. "No." He bluntly stated. You expected this response, at least somewhat.. and didn't even hold an argument. Bakugou clenched his teeth. He knew he'd always been selfish, and although Midoriya was long dead, there was still part of him that wished to separate you both to the best of his ability.

His thoughts clashed with one another, and he could no longer decipher just what it was he harbored. He's gotten so used to his jealousy that he'd know if it were his envy in an instant, but that wasn't it at all.

He pursed his lips together, unaware of his burrowing brows as he wondered just what expression you were making behind him. Sadness? Wrath? Hatred? No matter what it was, he couldn't stand it, especially when you directed it toward him.

And so, he made a slight altercation on his path.

Coming to a stop as the both of you met with your destination, you were too out of it to realize where you stood. Bakugou released your wrist slowly, and his head turned away so you could refrain from viewing his expression of distaste. "[Y/N]... Make it quick.."

Eh? What did he mean by that? Looking up, though reluctantly, you noticed where you were immediately, and suppressed a breathless gasp. "Katsuki.. you...-" Glancing to the boy beside you who scoffed, you forced a weak smile, genuinely glad to know he showed some consideration.

It was Midoriya's bedroom..

With great leisure, your hand went to pursue the door knob, and in a gentle twist the hinges would squeal as the door parted slowly, revealing a somber chamber.

Midoriya's room was decorated with the memory of All Might's legacy, down to every corner. And upon seeing it, you remembered just how much that dazzling hero influenced him...

He was still the hero-fanboy you knew and loved.

This revelation made you smile. Taking a few steps in the room to approach his desk aligned with many All Might figurines, you traced your fingers along the smooth surface, unable to hide your subtle grin.

Inevitably, Bakugou noticed this. Having stayed put in the hallway, he tried to convince himself that this was for the greater good. Besides, he knew how much you wanted to see him.. but in spite of his choice, in mere seconds his envy still got the best of him and even impaired his logic. "...I'm gonna go to my room.. head there when you're through."

And with that, your stalker closed the door. You were bewildered. Immensely. Didn't he realize that you could easily run the opposite way..? Or did he trust you that much? No.. he couldn't have, because his actions from earlier proved that.

And in due time, he'd regret to make such a decision.

Returning your focus onto Midoriya's desk, you sighed. Then, eyeing the picture frame portaying him and his mother, Inko, you felt something within you shatter into pieces. You missed him dearly, and your grief only worsened as you stared at that smiling face.

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now