( Mislead )

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Hand fumbling against his lower lip, Bakugou kept his gaze low between his legs where his phone sat. Occasionally, he looked up to the lecture ahead, but within moments his eyes settled back towards his device below his desk.

How to|

How to hide a dead body.|

He pressed enter. The search engine only displayed unreliable results in return. Bakugou scrolled down to find useful information, and in doing so, he found a certain website.

Interest piqued, he scrolled through the Q&A, coming across a certain answer within the comments to the implied inquiry at hand.

"Why would anyone even try to hide a dead body anyway?? You must be crazy."

Twitching his eyebrow, he lost his patience, but despite the agitation he felt, he scrolled down to view the other answers, much to his dismay.

"Just hide the corpse in your closet. Boom."

Eyes blank, Bakugou's lip tugged down into a frown, shortly after would he click his tongue before knocking his fist against the desk. Unintentionally, those who were near him peered over, including you.

Noticing these skeptic glances, Midnight looked over as well, directing her attention. Bakugou hadn't realized this since his eyes still settled into his phone, and with the hand on the surface of his desk, he used it to stressfully rub his neck.

'No one's taking anything seriously these days...' He thought, diminishing his acts on the matter. Now, he wondered if waiting things out would be prudent, considering that no one's discovered Kirishima's body yet.

"Are you doing okay over there, Bakugou?" Asked Midnight, making the other jolt up so violently that even Midoriya flinched. "I'm fine." He replied, shutting off his phone only to lay it against his lap.

You pursed your lips, finding that not only has he been acting strange, but that it was also repetitive. In constant wonder, the urge to ask what vaguely apparent.. even after classes came to an end; for you stood at his desk with curious eyes.

"What do you want?" The male with ash blonde hair inquired, with a hint of natural irritation. Finally, you pressed your hands against his desk, causing him to move his head back in the process. "Are you okay? You're not acting like yourself!"


You noticed that?

Scratching his cheek, he was relieved to know that you cared. Perhaps.. there was still hope regarding your close relationship with him. "...I was just thinking about stuff." Bakugou strictly replied.

It's not like he'd blatantly admit to murdering Kirishima.. there was more sanity residing in him than he thought. You sent him unconvinced glares but continued to pry no further, directing those [E/C] eyes to the one behind him.

"Izuku, have you talked to Uraraka? Yesterday she said she'd talk to Ashido." Hands folding behind your back, you noticed Midoriya was staring somewhere else for quite some time. Following his gaze, it led you to both Uraraka and Ashido, who had a casual chat.

"Huh? They look like nothing ever happened..." You murmured. Midoriya threatened to say otherwise, however, burrowing his brows followed by the clench of his fists atop his desk. "No, I know those two... they're acting.."

Turning his head to stare at the surface before him, he kept his eyes narrowed, continuing without notice. "I'm not sure if Ashido told Uraraka yet... but that's not what I want to know." Unbeknownst to them, Bakugou watched the determined male from the corner of his eye, prepared to indulge in the matter. "What I want to know is... just what did Kacchan do to her.."

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now