( Mistakes )

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Everyone eventually finished their dinners and went straight to bed after their showers. Seizing his bed had been Bakugou, laying there with his lights still on, reminiscing on a few moment's ago, during dinner.

He sat up just as he began speaking. "Shitty hair is really starting to piss me off. I knew he's got balls, but I never knew he'd ignore my demands like that.."

Sure, Kirishima was a nuisance to him, but it was also good to have company. That original thought ceased from his mind, however- as what replaced it was an envious ponder. Bakugou sat there, surprisingly quiet, until he finally budged to shut off his lights near the door. During this, his phone buzzed, allowing him to flinch from surprise.

Walking up to his device, he'd sit down against his bed as he picked it up. From there, he realized that his newly received message was from Kirishima. Speak of the devil.

Shitty hair:
>Bakugou! Sorry about dinner. [Y/N] came up to me first.

Shitty hair:
>I dunno why you want me to avoid her, it just seems silly, y'know?

Shitty hair:
>What I'm tryin' to say is, I don't think I want to. She seems like a good friend.

Bakugou clenched his teeth tightly, unsettled by how matters started to toil. Despite his anger... he sort of predicted this. Kirishima had a warm heart, he wouldn't just subject to him whenever he wanted.

Glancing back at the message to read it again, this time in disbelief, he started to type a partial bit of his response. "Wait a minute..." Eyes widening while coming to a relevation, the male would have halted, staring at something he didn't spot the first time. 

Kirishima's mistake. 

Meanwhile, Kirishima's room.
>[8:43 PM]<

"Oh, he read that pretty quick." Kirishima murmured, unravelling the towel from around his neck. Waiting patiently for his friend's response, he stared at the screen, but lifted a brow in curiosity.
He suddenly stopped typing.

Glancing down at the wool temporarily, he sighed to himself. "I'll need to dye my hair again.. the red is starting to fade a little." Looking back to where his eyes were once prior, Bakugou's response had still been delayed. Worry resided in his stomach. 

Deciding to give it a few more minutes, he did so, however even a brief wait wasn't enough. Who else wouldn't feel a bit concerned? This urged him to send yet another text. Well.. that was his plan... before Bakugou finally decided to relieve his stress by sending a response. 

Pick up your phone.

Kirishima batted his eyelashes, and then yelped in a startled behavior as his phone suddenly began to ring loudly. As he battled with it to prevent it from toppling from his hands, he kept it in his grasp firmly, and then pressed the green icon. "Hey? Somethin' up?" Hearing as his voice croaked, the redhead would have cleared his throat, moving to his desk. There was nothing but silence, until eventually the one on the other side of the line spoke.

Meanwhile, Bakugou's room.
>[9:00 PM]<

Bakugou reached to ruffle his spiky hair, eyes glaring daggers toward his door in obvious dismay. "Yeah, I wanna know somethin'. Don't lie to me either." After saying something like that, he knew that would've made Kirishima nervous. And to add onto that, he himself didn't even realize the moderate alter in his already agitated tone. 

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now