Bryllon: Choosing Pawns

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Idk bros. I've decided to make a spam story. Idk how to explain it. Read it if you want to I guess.


Brendon urie had walked out of his class and down the hallway toward some unknown destination. He just needed to clear his mind for a bit. He forgot that he had a math test s today. 'Wtf must college be throwing this complicated shit at me???'

He walked down a pair of stairs. His class was on the 4th floor.

"Hey dumbass!"
Brendon was confronted by some talk guy. Brendon didn't know what his name was. But he did know he was in his math class. This guy had finished his test 10 minutes ago. He was so fast with his math.


"Yes you. Are you done with your test? You looked like you were sweating back there"

"Why does it matter to you?" Brendon asked preparing himself for a fight.

"Ooo this one is feisty" another guy says approaching Brendon from behind. He descended the stairs and kept Brendon's gaze.

"Yeah I think we've chosen the perfect little guy" the tall guy says. "He'd be our baby, Ryan"

"Aha yeah. Perfect " Ryan touched Brendon's hair. It was soft. "Ooo he has nice hair Dallon. It's like a Cotten ball"

"Don't touch me" Brendon protested. That's when felt himself going down the remaining steps. That Ryan guy just pushed him down the steps!

Brendon thought for sure he was about to break an arm or something. But no. He was caught by Dallon. His arms wrapped around the other tightly. He was like a teddy bear. A tall teddy bear.

"His body is nice and petite. Even with his baby muscles" Dallon comment squeezing the smaller one a bit.

"Let me go you freak!"

Ryan walked down the remaining steps and landed a spank to the shorter teens ass. The sound echoed through the stairwell. Followed by gasp from pure shock. Only bros smack each other's ass's. Brendon didn't even know these people.

"I don't know Dally. This one is little rude"

"Come on. It'll be a challenge"

"I'm standing right here!"

"I'm lazy Dallon. You know me."

"Yes yes. You don't want to work too hard. But I'll do most of the work" Dallon says.

Ryan stares at the one wrapped in Dallons arms. He wore a pouty face that totaled screamed 'I got everything I wanted in highschool'. Ryan personally hated those type of people. He felt like they needed to get off their high horse for a second. Those pouty lips looked so kissable, but right now wasn't the time for touching. They needed a mediator present. And yes Ryan did attack the others ass but if you don't tell Seaman then it never happened.

"Please, ry. Please" dallon begged like a child who wanted a puppy or a cat. "I'll do the dirty work ry"

'I'll take care of it mom I swear!!!' That's all Ryan can hear from the taller guy.

"Ok" Ryan says knowing very well that Dallon would most likely come short on the 'dirty work'.

"Will someone exsplain what's going - hey! Give me back my phone. Ahh! Put me down!"

Ryan ascended the stairs back to the floor of their shared math class. He held Brendon's phone in his hand. "What's your password?" He asked as Dallon carried Brendon up the steps.

"I'm not telling you!"

"He's so difficult. Dallon I hate you already" Ryan rubbed his cheek.

"He'll ease up"

They reached the fourth floor door and Dallon sat the youngest boy down. He loosened his grip and Brendon took that opportunity to break free. Buts it's not like brend could just walk away. This Ryan guy still had his phone. Brendon tried reaching for it but Ryan quickly moved it out of the others reach.

"Nuh huh" Ryan says "I want you to go back and finish your test. You're main goal is to past college with flying colors. After taking the test you come to the first floor and meet us at the cafe. You will get your phone back and we will explain everything then. Do you understand?"

"What the fuck? no"

Dallon wasn't paying much attention to the two as they spoke. He kept starring at Brendon's ass. 10/10 guys. His hands then found their way to the perfectly C shaped curves. A sequel reached Ryan's ears before he knew it and Brendon had removed himself away from both men.

"I grabbed his wallet and keys" Dallon quickly defended himself knowing the look he was going to receive from the other.

"Dallon we need a mediator. Don't touch him inappropriately again." Ryan held out his hand for the stolen property.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure he came back" Dallon handed them over.

"So if I meet you at the cafe I get my stuff back" Brendon asked realizing he wasn't about to win this fight.

"Yep. See you in a few darling" Ryan smirked before grabbing Dallons hand and leaving toward the first floor.

Brendon watched them disappear with his life in their hands. Well more specifically Ryan's hands. Something tells him that Ryan would be more mean than this Dallon character.

"I'm tired of steps. We should have taken the elevator"  Brendon here's Dallon says from down the stair well. He rolls his eyes. 'I guess it's time to go fail the rest of this test'


907 words

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