Restaurant Daze

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Chapter 11
Restaurant Daze
Ferard - public orgasm

Dallon opened up the passenger side door to let his future wife out of the vehicle.
"Thank you" Breezy said as she watched him close the door behind her. "You're so nice"
"Anything for you princes." Look at dallon being a gentleman, you go weekes.
"So what is this anyway?" she asked as she held hands with dallon and began stepping toward the building.
Well that is a good question breezy. See frank invited dallon, breezy, ray, and Christa out for dinner. Why? Dallon had no clue. But here he was on this fine saturday with the most beautiful woman in the world.
"So how is everyone's college experience going?" frank asked the people at the table after the waiter came to drop off menus and write down the drinks that were requested. They were at a "fancy" restaurant of sorts. The six of them at a rectangular table. On one side sat Christa, breezy, and dallon. While on the other side sat ray, gerard, and frank. There was a reason why these six people were here.
And it wasnt for the food.
Frank casually made eye contact with ray on the other end of the table.
"Midterms are gonna be a bitch. Are you ready ray?" he asked, ray nods his head knowing that frank was not talking about midterms at all.
"Yeah. all of my classes are quiet easy. How about you frank?"
Frank wrapped his arm gee and pulled him into a shoulder hug. "Oh i'm there baby" He said before planting a kiss on Gee's cheek.
"I have chemistry with mr. yeet." Christa says. She received a disguised sound from dallon and breezy.
"That class was the worst mistake ive ever done. His midterm is so stupid" dallon spoke. He went on to say more but gerard kind of stopped listening. He felt the presence of a hand on his knee. Well it wasnt just a random hand. That would be weird. It was franks. But why would he place his hand there? Was it to rest his tired hand or maybe to gain gee's attention? Gee didn't know.
The waiter came back dropping off the drinks.
"I'll give you guys a few more minutes to look through the menu" she smiles before walking away.
The group continued to talk and have casual conversation. And there is Gerard sandwiched between his boyfriend and ray with a hand slowly but surely traveling up his leg. Very distracting.
"-honestly I just think that he can't teach" dallon finished with the others nodding in agreement.
There was a comfortable silence with the group looking at their menus. Well comfortable would not be the words that Gerard would use at this moment. Maybe because frank's tiny tattooed hand has managed to reach his penis. The only obstacle from skin to skin action was clothings.
"What are you guys gonna get?" ray asked.
The responses went around the table. Not like gee was paying them any attention. The zipper to his pants began to be pulled down and the button was unpopped.
"The penne pasta seems very interesting," ray continues.
"I love pasta" Christa says next.
"They have a nice section of vegan food" dallon days toward frank.
"Yeah I know. It's so amazing I don't even know where to start"
Gerard took in a quick breath. It was noticeable by only ray. But ray knows what's happening. And it was at this moment gerard knew what was happening too. This was on the slip of paper! He looked over to frank. Making direct eye contact.
"Hey sweet cheeks." He says as if he's not currently patting Gerard's dick under the table.
"Hi" Gerard says back.
"Are you enjoying this dinner?" He asks.
"That's good" frank spoke closer to gerards ear. "Maybe we can keep you enjoying this dinner for the whole night"
Gerard did not know what that meant but I guess he was gonna find out.

Time has passed. They've ordered their food during this time and was now just talking.

He was hard. Harder than he'd like to be at the moment. But he was in public. And his boyfriends hand was on his cock. And he was ... frustrated. And horney. And wanted, no needed to go all the way. Like he cared that he was in public. He was actually just slightly embarrassed that he was such a hornet mess in public. That anyone could look over and see. Just one of his friends, maybe dallon would drop something and move to pick it up and see franks hand inside of gerards pants sticking his hard member and understand why Gerard was a bit restless.
He gasped. Causing unnecessary attention to himself.
dallon raised an eye brow from across the table.
Gerard faked a small cough covering his mouth this a napkin. Polite 100. He then turns to frank and gave him pleading eyes. He didnt want to orgasm right here. Well he Did but... but that wasnt the point. They were in public for fucks sake!
"Are you ok?" frank asked. He took a sip of his soda that was infront of him. Ray acting as if he saw none of this but gerard knew he could see all of this. I mean he was sandwiched between a moderator and his player. Gerard gulped and smiled. A shaky smile.
"Yeah im ok" gerard says. A bit softer and out of character than usually. But if you were to throwin the fact that he was trying to stay quiet during this encounter maybe it would make more since.
"So who is all apart of this chest club" bri asked the group. And from across the table even though gerard was in a horny haze he could see dallon physically freeze and his body go into a panic.
"Um well" dallon started, gerard couldnt give two shits about dallons little lie he told his girlfriend.. But if he didnt stay paying attention to the conversation then theyd know that something was up. And that's the last thing Gerard needed right now.
"Ray is in it" dallon says. It was NOT smooth, but it didn't raise any questions from bri.
Ray smirks from where he sat. he enjoy watching others trying to stay calm while they were clearing loosing control. He had a pawn who was trying to stay quiet and keep his orgasm on the low beside him and an ex pawn now player trying to keep his compustre across the table. It was quiet heavenly if you asked him. He couldn't wait to tell Andy about it later.
"Yeah, I'm apart of this 'chess club'. It's not really much of a club. We're just a bunch of friends hanging out and playing games" ray answers.
"Yep we just chill and over power each other with our sexy chest moves" dallon adds on.
Frank trys to hide his own laughter. Dallon was a mess. "Whyd you make it unnecessarily sexual? Were just playing a nerdy game" frank adds squeezing gerards dick.
"Mmm" gerard moans closing his eyes for a second completely forgetting that he was suppose to be calm. He opens his eyes in a pacinc realizing he just did that out loud in public. "I mean yeah. The most sexual thing that has ever happened was when someone stole ryans chest board. Dude got pissed. It was kinda hot. But my frankie is a lot hotter"
Bri nodded her head.
Nice safe.
Dallon took a sip of his tea.
And gerard stopped paying attention. He really needed to not be here. Not at this table with lurking eyes. He needed to be anywhere but here.
The bathroom!!!
He looks to ray. But ray was talking to his girlfriend about... well who fucking cares beaucse gerard sure in hell didnt.
He looked to frank who was also engaged in a conversation with bri about something gerard couldnt give too shits about. Oh no he was trapped. The other two didnt care. Or they did care, they just wanted him here. Here to suffer with a dick ready to ejcaulate at any moment.
"Mmm I've gotta go"
Go?" Frank questioned eye brows raised.
"Yep to the bathroom" heard breathes out. He tapped franks arm quickly trying his best not to cause a scene but also to get moving as quickly as possible. "Frank" he whined when franks hand movements got faster. He felt the others thumb slide over the tip, precum helping lubricate the increaseing motions.
But he's put has put frank in a corner. It would be pretty weird and suspicious if frank didn't move to let his boyfriend go to the bathroom . But frank wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what Gerard was going to go do. He was going to go finish him self off in the bathroom. Desperate little fuck. And frank couldn't have that happening.
"Ok I'll come with you" he says squeezeing Gee's dick once more before letting it go, allowing Gerard to Stuff it back into his slacks. They slid out of the booth.
Dallon was now suspicious at the two, his facial features showing his emotions and confusion like an open book.
Ray eatched as the two passed through the bathroom door, it swinging close behind him. He knew he had to get into thst room.
"I think I'm gonna take a trip to the restroom as well " ray tells his girlfriend who nods. Dallon frowned ready to say something, to oppose ray. "Oh Dallon tell them about your chess skills I bet they'd love to hear that"
Dallons ryes with wide not exspecting that from the other.
"Oh yes honey!" Bro exclaims turning excitedly to Dallon. "Please tell me. Do you win a lot?"
Ray left the table, Dallon was going to have to defend himself.
Ray walked into the bathroom, frank had gee pressed up against a stall wall, his hand stroking Gee's dick as Gerard panted in his ear.
"You just couldnt wait could ya" franks spoke using his deep voice. Gerards eyes were half shut.
He shook his head. "Fran-" he pants out between sucking in air through his mouth "I'm close"
"Mmm of course you are" he kisses gerards cheek before sliding down to the floor. "Into my mouth like a god boy, ok"
Soon enough Gerard came into franks mouth.
"Are you ok?" Frank asked him.
"Yeah I'm good."
He started to zip his pants back up as frank stood up to go fix his hair.
"I'm sorry." Gerard mumbles.
"Sorry? For what honey? You did great"
"I know it was suppose to happen in public. I failed"
"What? No no no" frank rushed over hands still wet, he touched gerards face. "Honey you didn't fail"
"If I may add, you did just finish in a public restroom where anyone can walk in and see you guys. In my book you completed the task."
"See you did great Gee" frank pulled Gerard into a hug.

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