Player Punishment

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Remember this is part of the same day as last chapter. I'm doing rapid uploads because i wanted to break down this chapter. Enjoy. 


The cabin was huge ok. This cabin shouldn't even be called a cabin but instead a fucking house in the middle of nowhere. The "cabin" was surrounded by trees of course and behind it was a small hill. And on that hill was a shed. This cabin had (blank) bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It of course had the necessities like a kitchen and a living/lounging room. It also had a patio. As well as a deck that surrounded the whole house on the second floor. Oh and yes of course this cabin had a second floor.

"Unpack and met up in the back in 20." Ray instructed.

"Oh no," Dallon immediately says turning to hug Ryan. "I'm not ready."

"Of course you're not. You're like a baby in this new world of being a player." Ryan rubs Dallons back. "Come on, lets go calm down."

"Thanks for helping," the blue haired giant called out beside Brendon. He didn't get a response from the two walking away though. He sighed, "Whatever."

Brendon opened the bed of the truck to collect the desired things.

"Those two are a married couple minus the actual dating part," Ryan spoke. You could consider this to be 'small talk'. Whatever, Brendon wanted it to be silent. But nooo. Seaman wanted to chit chat while they unloaded the vehicle.

Brendon didn't say anything, instead he handed Ryan Dallons green backpack. Once Ryan came back from dropping off some bags inside he began talking again.

"I know how you're feeling," he said. "Jealousy is a bitch."

Brendon did not respond. He grabbed Ross's bag of "NSFW Events". He rubbed the bag wondering if should open. No, of course not! ... but like if the zipper just so happened to ... unzip...

"Don't do it Urie~" Seaman sang. He extended his arm out waiting for the other to hand it over.

"I know you want his attention but you're gonna have to chill out." Ryan spoke as he helped Brendon hop down from the bed of the truck. He slammed the tail close and turned to Brendon. "You literally just met him 3 days ago. What's got you falling for him?"

"I like... this," Brendon said. Ryan waited silently for him to continue because 'this' can mean the fucking blue sky. "I want more of this," Brendon gestured around "Without the eyes of peers."

Ryan stared at Brendon for a few seconds. Because honestly Brendon did not explain shit. "You want to have sex with Ryan?"


Ryan nods his head. "Well the only thing I can suggest is for you to ask him to have sex with you."

"I can't do that!" Brendon exclaimed. "That's... weird. You just don't ask for sex. It's barbaric. Humiliating. And honestly just pretty odd."

Ryan scrunched his face up. It was as if he had just lost his last brain cell to Brendon's logic. "Closed mouths don't get dicks," and with that Ryan walked toward the doors.


They were all outside in the backyard. If you'd call it that. It was honestly just the open outside. Trees and leaves and I mean... you've been outside right? Anyway, behind the "cabin" if you'd call it that was some steps that were on a hill. They weren't needed but it was very useful for if someone wanted to carry something up or down the hill and didn't want to tumble down like jack and Jill. Didn't jack like... die?

They were in a circle, like some cult. The midday sun beating upon their skin. Mikey squinting his tiny eyes to see Ray and Andy as they gave instructions as to what is about to occur.

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